Thursday, December 13, 2007

A turn of events

For years before Robby joined karate, he has been dragged along to Michael's karate class, tournaments, and testings. He has always taken it in stride ,being happy to set and watch, bringing along his game boy, some gummy snacks and a juice box. Even since his joining of karate he has seen his share of bench time watching his big brother. Now however, the tables have turned. Robby has been doing pretty well in karate lately and is very proud of his orange belt. He has also been putting in more effort than most in his class. In an effort to reward this effort, Mike and I have decided to en role him in a clinic that is coming up on Saturday on the Ohio State campus.This clinic is given by no other that Master Sensei Teruyuki Okazaki, who brought Shoto kan to the United States. Sensei Okazaki is the one who tested Michael for his black belt a couple years ago and usually only does one clinic a year in the area before he does yearly black belt testing. Training under Sensei Okazaki is a privilege as Sensei Okazaki was a student of Gitchen Funacoshi , the man who started Shoto kan karate in Okinawa many years ago.Mike and I as well as Robby and Michael's Sensei all feel that Robby is ready to attend this clinic. He will surely be tired after but we think the training will be good for him. At the end he and Michael will both be rewarded with having their copy of Sensei Okazaki's book , signed.

Unfortunately,due to doctor's orders , Michael is still not back in karate so he will not be allowed to participate in this clinic . Hopefully by next year he will be testing for his next black belt but for now he gets to set and watch. I think we will leave his game boy home though !