In many previous posts I have mentioned each of our beautiful cocker spaniel puppies both while they were here and each as they left for their new families. As I mentioned before, so far all have gone to great homes that fit their individual needs. We had no say in which family picked which one but God seemed to work it out as Isabella , now named Maggy, went first to a retired couple with a beautiful house and yard where she is queen. Masamora , the gentle runt, went to a young couple with a four year old son to cuddle with and love . Nelly, The Clancy look a like with his attitude, now resides with a doctor and is the center of attention. This leaves Ignacius, he has seen the rest go and though this may have been unsettling for him, he has been comforted by our kids who have showered him with attention. My prayer lately has been that he also finds his perfect home. Don't get me wrong, it wouldn't be so bad to keep him, but a third dog is just not in our best interest right now. We have not even put up a Christmas tree because the whelping box , which now serves as a puppy pen ( even though he can get out of it he will stay if firmly commanded to ) is where the Christmas tree goes.
Last night during supper we got a call from a woman who may be interested in him. For whatever reason she couldn't come see him until today and couldn't come this afternoon either. It had to be this morning.I am nervous at having someone come while I am home alone and more nervous about selling our last puppy by myself. This may not make sense to many but when the kids are here I can't cry, knowing that I have to be strong and let them know that this is the right thing to do. Also, I sort of question whether this woman will actually show up.( just a gut feeling )
Please, after all my rambling, please pray that if this woman and her family are right for Iggy, that she shows up and purchases him. If she doesn't I will know that it is not right. In this case please pray that his new family surfaces soon. Thank you all so much !
The lady showed up like planned but left alone. She expressed to me that she really wished for a buff Cocker spaniel, or dog that didn't shed much. Ignatius didn't seem to feel a connection with her either.She said that she had to think about it but I highly doubt that she will return. Before she left I suggested that she look more into the Cocker spaniel breed before making a decision. Please continue to pray for the right family for Iggy. Thanks to all !
After some honest thinking and talking to Mike at work to make sure he agrees with my gut feeling we have decided not to sell Ignacius to this woman even if she does return. Her children are in our opinion too young for such an energetic pup. My hope is that she will realize this also and not contact us again. After Mike and I decided this he called me back about an hour later. It seems that a lady whom works where Mike does has a father in law of retirement age who is looking. Mike has a good feeling about this but we will have to see what God thinks. Back to prayer . It is the only way I can truly find peace and contentment in placing Iggy.