There have had a couple thoughts for post going through my head today . As a matter of fact I even started to write one but decided not to publish it because it didn't reflect what I want this blog to. The truth is that I am so far behind that I can't imagine ever being ready for Christmas in just a few short days. Sure my shopping has been done for awhile, but nothing had been wrapped before today. Wrapping I did get done today in between yelling at the kids to get their chores done,feeding the family, going to five o'clock mass and realizing that the family ordainment that represented our family on the Parish Christmas tree was missing. ( yes I mean missing.It was there last year and was supposedly packed away with all of the other families but wasn't there today when the kids decided to look for it , on the tree, before mass.)Because we are not represented on the tree , the kids took it personally . In an attempt to diffuse the whole thing Mike and I went to the mall ( where I have not been since early November) in hopes that the same company who were in the mall four years ago was there this year. Thanks be to God, it was.We purchased a replacement ordainment and were on our way. I got home ready to commence wrapping when Cindy told me that the ordainment which I just bought was broken. Sure enough she was right. We got back in the car and off to the mall again. Thankfully the people replaced it without hassle.Anyway, back home we came and wrapping I worked on. I just finished and though I have cookies to bake and Christmas dinner to plan, I am calling it a night.I will be sure to say a prayer for all of you before I drift off though I am sure that i am the only one this far behind.