Friday, December 7, 2007

Merry Christmas !

Though we have barely begun Advent,I have been receiving E mail after E mail on how people are already fed up with people wishing them " Happy Holiday's" and not "Merry Christmas" In these E mails these people are very angry and feel that others are maliciously trying to disrespect Christ by not wishing a Merry Christmas .
Though I am sure that there are some that are trying to show disrespect toward Jesus, I wonder if the majority are or if they are just trying to cover their bases. This would never have crossed my mind a few years back as I always lived in a primary Catholic/ Christian neighborhood. Now, however my family lives in a more religiously diverse suburb. Believe it or not, it is a much better neighborhood than before just diverse. I now have friends and neighbors that are Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, American Indian, Jehovah Whiteness, and a few other faiths as well . Because of this there are a lot of Holidays happening at this time of year. I can understand where a clerk at the store would just say Happy Holidays .
Are we as a society that paranoid of our neighbor that we always have to feel that they are putting down our beliefs? It sure seems to me that we are. Now I can agree that the use of the term X-mas is offensive and I would be sure to offer anyone wishing me a Merry X- mas a Merry Christmas.
I hesitate to publish this post because I know that I will get E mails from those who feel that converting the world to their faith is the right thing to do. I personally do not. I respect the freedom of others to believe what they wish.
In closing I would like to wish everyone the best of whatever holiday they choose to celebrate as well as a Merry Christmas ,because I choose to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ !