Monday, December 3, 2007

To the customer service rep at my insurance company

Dear Sir,
I apologise if I hurt your feelings this morning when I was not satisfied with your "it's not covered" and asked to speak to your supervisor. I do realize that your supervisor has told you to tell people like me that he will tell me the same thing that you did so that he doesn't have to deal with people like me.Before you take offence, though maybe you should know who I am and why I am not willing to accept your answer.
I am the Mom of four children, three of whom are alive.My precious daughter now resides with Jesus .Why did she die? you ask. Unfortunately, I can not answer that. The autopsy didn't show a cause of death. All that I know is that I was a couple months pregnant and felt that something was not right. I called my Obstetrician's office who got me in to see him quickly.My doctor examined me, found my babies heartbeat and told me that he could not find anything wrong. There , of course, were tests that could have been done including an ultrasound that could have identified the problem,but none were ordered. Why? you ask. Because your company had decided that "in most cases" these tests were not needed this early. In an attempt to stay in business my doctor conformed to your companies policies and made me wait until the appropriate time for an ultrasound. I had no choice but to wait. Unfortunately when the appropriate time came, the ultrasound did in fact show a problem. My daughter no longer had a heartbeat. It was too late to do anything but induce labor . My daughter was gone !
The next time that i was expecting, my doctor labeled me high risk which allowed him to care for me and my baby a little better. Though there were problems with this pregnancy too, my doctor monitored me through ultrasound and other tests. It all went pretty well until my son was born six weeks premature. Again, Mr. customer service Representative, your company wanted to put a cap on what tests could and could not be run. Four or five doctors had their hands tied as my son struggled to breathe and was unable to get any nourishment from the little bit that he was actually able to eat and keep down. Sure, you allowed a test or two, but drug your feet at OK- ing the next test when the first came back negative. This took valuable time that could have meant the difference between life and death for my baby. I learnt quick not to waste my time debating approvals with people in your position. It is nothing personal, you may be a great person who goes to church regularly and helps the poor, but understand, I just couldn't accept your denial and let my son die.
Now that this son whom I speak of is eleven, due to my pestering your company's employees all the way up to the CEO if necessary to find what his problems were and treat him, don't even think for a minute that I will give up now. You see, I have been hung up on, treated rudely, even cursed out,but you know what? It was worth it to be able to see my son receive his orange belt in karate or sing at his fifth grade chorus concert. There is nothing that you or anyone else can say or do to make me give up. So please understand, when I insist that you connect me to someone who can connect me to someone, who can connect me to someone, who can connect me to someone, who may be able to help me to get the medical test or medication that any of my children need in order to insure that I never loose another child. Please understand that I mean no rudeness to you , but it is just something that this mother has to do. Honestly it would be better for both of us if you didn't take it personally and agreed to transfer me to your supervisor . Wishing me a good day would be nice too. Honestly, I understand that your job can be difficult but so can being the Mom of a kid in need of medical tests that your company feels are " not usually necessary" I pray that you never truly know how I feel !