Thursday, April 12, 2007
Post Easter Sale
I was bombarded with errands today. The car payment needed to be mailed at the Post Office,. We were out of Dog food that is only available at the Pet shop,. I needed buns from The Schwabel's outlet, We were out of milk and it was on sale at Sparkle, and that sort of thing. Nothing big but just many many little things. As I was knocking these things out one at a time I ended up in the wrong lane of the road and could not get over. I was forced to turn into the Target plaza and figured that since I was there I would see what Easter markdown's they had. There was not much left but I did spy a metal lunch box type container with peeps all over it.It was a Peeps smores set. The light bulb in my head went on. I figured out a way to put a new spin on some of the left over Easter candy. We put 1/2 of a single size Hershey's milk chocolate bunny on a graham cracker and topped it with a peep ( yellow of course :-). We microwaved the smore for 10 seconds ( Cindy put the first one in for 15 seconds and it blew up big time) and put a top graham cracker on it. The kids were thrilled with this new treat. I may just buy some reduced peeps and chocolate to put in the freezer to see how peeps do over a campfire this summer.The wheels are always turning !