Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spring Break or end of summer?

Though we have been seeing a glimpse of Sun the last couple of days, I am still, for some reason thinking vacation. Because many cruise lines are E mailing me their specials,these thoughts are manifesting as my looking into a cruise. The problem lies in the fact that cruises in July ( when Mike has a mandatory vacation and all of the kids are available) are super expensive and can be found for a quarter of the July price in August. The problem here is that though Mike can take a week off, Cindy's Nursing classes will start up in mid August so a late cheap cruise would prevent her from joining us. Because of this I am looking into early August which is middle of the road priced but August still seems so far away. For this reason, I have been looking into prices the first week of April, which is spring break here. These cruise prices are equivalent to early August. But April seems so early. So there we have it....... Early or late ? Or something other than a cruise? Oh if only I had enough sunshine to get my brain out of this fog.... but if I did , then I wouldn't need a vacation so desperately.... now would I ?