Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friendship Bread

A couple weeks ago my Mom called, to most this would be a regular occurrence but with our lifestyles My Mom and I rarely call each other unless we have a reason. This call was no exception. Mom was calling because my sister in law had , a few days before, given her a Friendship bread "starter" . For those of you who are not Amish nor a lover of baking a "starter" is a measured amount of batter given ( usually in a gallon size zipper bag) One takes this batter and leaves it lay out. (refrigerating will mess it up)Every day one "mushes" the bag a lets the air out, then forgets it until the next day. depending on the particular recipe, one may also be instructed to add ingredients either daily or on certain days. Then in either a week,ten days,a month, or whatever the recipe instructs one takes the starter.. divides it into a couple new starters and takes the rest, adds more ingredients and bakes it. These "friendship" cakes and breads are known for being the most moist baked goods anywhere. Anyway.... Mom called to ask if I wanted a starter.I had never had this particular recipe starter but I agreed to give it a try. Fast forward,ten days ago Mom brought me a starter and I began following the ten day regimen. That made today the day to bake.I started preparing and measuring the new starters right after I made the boys breakfast . I then mixed up the ingredients and put them in the oven while the boys finished getting ready and waited on their buses. Since it took an hour of low temp baking,the Cinnamon bread( coffee cake) was finished just as Robby's bus turned the corner.I pulled it out of the oven and boy did it smell good ( Cinnamon usually does) Try as I may I couldn't resist cutting into one of the two loaves. Though I prefer my baked goods chilled,it was very good. I doubt that there will be any left by morning . It is a good thing that I didn't promise to give my "starters" away as I think that I will keep a couple for myself.