Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow snow snow

Well Cindy is at her first day of her phlebotomy class and it is almost time to take the boys to karate and Mike is scheduled into work at 3:30 AM and it is still snowing. We have about three or four inches now and the roads were covered earlier when I went to pay bills so I can only imagine what they will be like when we are all out on them tonight and early tomorrow. But that is how it goes here in Ohio and I should know this after living here all of my many years.
Please join me in offering a prayer for everyone who must drive in these conditions.

The boys have been to karate and are home, Cindy is home from her phlebotomy class and Mike is at work . Though the snow still continues to fall, the roads are pretty much being plowed and salted and are not too bad at all. Looks like a snow day is not even questionable at this point.
...........And it is only January !