Sunday, January 17, 2010
After a few days of above freezing temps, we can now see grass . Now mind you, after a couple weeks of being under six or eight inches or so of snow, it is brown dead grass, but it is grass none the less so I am happy. As I type, Michael is preparing to go out and take down the outside Christmas decorations. I have not gotten the chance to shop for any Valentine decorations so we will be looking at drab dead grass if it doesn't snow more but that is OK. February seventeenth is Ash Wednesday so, weather permitting, in twenty eight days, it will be time to decorate for Easter anyway. With my surgery being scheduled during lent, I am not sure if we will decorate for Easter or not , but we'll just have to see how it goes. As for now.... I am just happy to put Christmas , except for the three nativities that I leave up year round( all Precious moments)to rest for awhile.