Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Were back

We got back from North Carolina at about one thirty AM Tuesday morning. We went straight to bed as Mike had to get up at five to get ready for work. Cindy had a little more sleep as she didn't have to be at work until two however she generously got up at nine to go with me to pick up the dogs from PetLodge .This was a good thing because the dogs for some reason were clingy. Clarissa would not take no for an answer as she sat on my lap ( human like on her butt) nuzzling my cheek as I tried to drive away. Clancy was just happy to be in the car and stood on Cindy's lap as we drove off.
The trip itself went very well. It was great to see family that we haven't in awhile. The kids, as always , got along great together.
The only thing is that it is sad when the trip ends. We have had Mike's Dear Grandmother within an hour of us for years and didn't realize how good we had it. It was tough to leave everyone but especially to say good bye to Grandma. After all at ninety years old, our next visit may not be under as good of circumstances. Actually this is true for all of us, we just never know.
This has got me thinking. I challenge each of you to let someone close to you know that you love and appreciate them today. Do something, anything for them to show your love and appreciation for them. I know I intend to