I am still praying about the cruise deal but the thought of passing it up is getting easier to bear, so I think we will be passing on this one. Besides that it has hit me that the kids only have a few more weeks of summer vacation and in that time, Cindy will have her wisdom teeth along with parts of the bone which they are stuck in removed( Aug. 12th ). Then we have to make sure that the boys have everything that they need for back to school . So I think this month just may be close to capacity and every time I try to push beyond capacity my stress level seems to go with it. Oh well there will be another time that things will work out perfectly .
Tonight Mike and I will go to The Funny Farm comedy club. For the last few years we have had summer passes and have frequented the club a lot. However this years busyness has had us missing most weekly shows . It has gotten so bad that when Mike called for reservations, the owner asked if anything was wrong. No Mike replied just graduations, small trips and life. The biggest was that Cindy didn't have a Drivers licence until last month so we had to pick her up at work at ten thirty which would be the middle of a show. So unless she was off we couldn't attend and of course when she was off we had other things planned( sigh) but now that she is driving, it is working out again. so hello Dave, We're back !