Monday, August 11, 2008

Please pray

This evening I ask for prayers for Cindy tomorrow. First of all she has a financial aid work shop in the morning from which she will be going straight to the oral surgeon. She is having all four wisdom teeth removed. All four are impacted .Two are not so bad but two will require the removal of pieces of the bone which they are impacted in. Usually this would be done with general anesthetic, but due to Cindy's Pseudo cholinesterase deficiency (
and the fact that this surgery with general anesthetic has a good chance of causing her vocal cords to go into spasm which requires the paralytic Succedocholine to be administered to paralyze the vocal cords and stop the spasm from causing permanent damage, we have decided that Cindy's life is not worth taking the chance so she is having the whole procedure done with Novocain. Please pray that she has no more than minimal pain and no complications. Please also pray for a quick recovery . She has taken a week off of work and hopes to be 100% by the weeks end. Thank you all in advance for your prayers !