Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First day of the 07/08 school year

Despite my nervousness ( you would think it wouldn't bother me anymore) this morning went off without a problem.Even Michael made it to his bus with a plaster non weight bearing cast on his right foot / leg and an air cast on the other. He is using his crutches today but we have discussed him going in his wheel chair if the crutches all day prove to be too much. Robby seemed pretty calm for this being his first day of middle school. Now they are all gone and I am setting in silence. OK not total silence as Clarissa is sleeping at my feet and Clancy is on guard dog duty, but husband and kid free silence. It has been months since I have experienced such quiet. There are so many things that I should be doing right now but I think I will just relax and enjoy the silence for awhile. Why not? Things have waited this long, what is another day? If anyone asks I am on break.