Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Surgery in less than 24 hours

Well I finished cooking pounds of pasta in meat sauce, huge pots of chili and chicken soup, baked a ham,grilled three pounds of chicken breast then cut it up into baggies for chicken salads or adding to another side dish and plan to make a couple potato casseroles , and have even prepared a Lenten Friday meatless meal of Parmesan encrusted tilapia and mac and cheese which simply need to be heated in the oven for a half an hour. This should take care of the families food needs while I spend three days in the hospital. A week ago there was a chance that I would be able to simply have an outpatient procedure and come home but after a doctor's consultation on Monday, Mike and I decided that the time is now to stop trying quick fixes ( that are not long lasting) and to just do what we have to do. I paid all of the bills yesterday so that will be done for a month while I recover and I will even have my roots dyed this afternoon ( Now that is important :-) Then tonight I will pack my bag and try to sleep a couple hours before getting ready to be the the surgical center at 5:00 AM( just updated to 6:00am). Mike has taken a couple days vacation so he will take me and Cindy , who also has taken a couple days off, will get Robby on the bus and then come to be with Mike and me post surgery.Michael will get home from school and wait for Robby then they will eat and come to the hospital later in the evening. Yes, I think that it is all worked out. Just a little more prep and lots of prayers. Many of you have asked if you can do anything and my reply has been pray. I know that a couple of you want to be at the hospital waiting with Mike which is great( come one come all...... BTW this surgical center offers free coffee and pop and sells huge brownies( with M&M's )for only seventy five cents so don't worry about stopping for coffee first) but Prayer is ultimately what we need and the best part is that you don't need to travel, get a sitter, spend money or anything else to help us out.
It will probably be a few days before I post ( unless the new pain meds that they told me about are as good as they say) so for now... Thank you all for your thoughts and Prayers... They are surely appreciated.