Monday, March 22, 2010
Back in the saddle again
For quite a few years now my family has been part of our Parish's Palm Sunday's dramatization of the Passion. Though the kids have switched parts here and there Mike has maintained the part of Pontius Pilate and I Mary Magdalene for several years now. Because of this I felt terrible when my surgery ( which was supposed to be preformed in either January or February) was not scheduled until March and I realized that I would only be four weeks post surgery and still on six week restrictions. Because of this I regretfully told the director that I would have to bow out this year. Mike struggled with what to do but decided that he , not wanting to put a burden on the directors ( personal friends of ours)would stay in. The boys also stayed in but since Cindy's work schedule would conflict with at least one of the three masses anyway, said she would also step down. In an unfortunate turn of events, the director's mother, who lives in another state, required immediate surgery and the director had to go so the directing was passed to two new women. Since these women were overwhelmed, somehow my part as Mary Magdalene was never filled, and went unnoticed until yesterday's practice. Because I knew that there were a few minor parts that needed filled( one of the designated new directors is a fellow member of a group that Mike and I belong to) and I was asked if I could possibly be a person who needed healed, I showed up for practice willing to do what was needed.To make a long story shorter, it was noticed that I was never replaced (and nobody really wanted to play Mary Magdalene(go figure) and since my recovery is going well and I thought I could handle what I doubted I could handle a couple weeks ago, I ended up reclaiming my part. So next week I will once again play Mary Magdalene for our Parish's three masses.I only pray that I my recovering body can do the part justice.