Friday, March 12, 2010
Baking Dad's cake
Last night Cindy decided that , due to my infirmity, she would take on the task of baking Mike's Birthday cake. Now this may not sound like a big deal as many girls bake cakes, cookies , and other wonderful things by the age of nineteen. I in fact was engaged at nineteen and it was a normal occurrence for me to cook dinners complete with deserts often. Cindy however, has lead a sheltered life where cooking is concerned and even though she has helped bake she has never done a solo cake, especially for Mike who is very picky about his cake. This made me nervous but since I had a doctor's appointment this morning I was not here to help her. Since she worked midnight shift last night and is scheduled again tonight she had the cake cooling and was in bed when I got home. When she got up for dinner, she pulled me aside and whispered that the cake had been messed up. Being level headed( must have been from the pain meds that I took because I am usually Mrs anxiety)I said no problem there is always Dairy Queen. No she said, it is OK, just the bottom layer cracked. Poor girl doesn't know a success when she sees one. Anyway, the cake looked fine and tasted wonderful too. Very moist and better than many that I have made. So here is a picture of Mike and his special Birthday cake. Thank you Cindy, Dad and I both appreciate it !