Monday, May 11, 2009
Please pray reminder
Many of you have asked for a reminder of Mike's eye surgery so that you could pray during. Cindy & I will be leaving here in about 30 to forty five minutes to take him to the hospital. To the best of our knowledge, the procedure will start somewhere between noon and one PM. All I was told was that he needed to be there this morning to speak to anesthesia concerning his pseudo choloestrase(sp) deficiency. Some how some worker along the way ( either at the eye care office or the hospital) didn't know what this condition was so she / he decided that I was wrong in telling them the correct name and decided that Mike had malignant hypothermia . Now a doctor I aint, but from what I gather Malignant hypothermia is another condition associated with succidocholine. In the anesthesiologist's ( that i spoke to on the phone last week) words, "they are two zebra's that would be impossible to have in the same cage" OK I almost understood. My reply was that I have documentation of the deficiency and no idea how the malignant hypothermia got put down. The anesthesiologist seemed relieved but still requested our presence for consultation . So anyway..... Please pray for a successful procedure, sometime this afternoon, with no complications.