Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm Back !

I know that a week or two ago I stated that once we found Michael a car I would have much more time and would probably have loads of time to post at least once a day if not more. After all for a few weeks there it was ;get done whatever I needed ( including dinner so the kids could eat) because Mike would be home at four and we would run directly out to auto dealers and car lots . On good nights we would get home by nine and eat before crawling into bed. Only to get up the next day and do it all again. Well as I stated almost a week ago, we got a car . And I did do OK at posting for the weekend but then Tuesday happened and I had to call the insurance company to add the car and then came so much stuff that I had been neglecting. In addition, Michael who was dragging his feet about scheduling his driver's ed driving sessions is now in a massive rush to finish and get his licence, Go figure. Add to this that Mike has now switched his focus to asking about vacation and where we will stay before and after the cruise. (minor , undecided details )Then with public school being almost out, the kids have started telling me how they need summer clothes and asking what is cruise acceptable, which seems to be nothing that they own and well, I may have emerged from one tunnel but I find that it only leaves me in the middle of the ocean where I must go into another tunnel.
Anyway, I am not whining but actually thankful that we have the opportunity to stress over a coming vacation. Furthermore God has send Mike and I a blessing ( no I am not pregnant and neither is Clarissa or anyone I know of for that matter) over the Memorial day weekend that thrills me to the very core. For now we are remaining quiet but Really I am in a very Thankful place right now. So I guess to make a long post short ( too late) or to just end a bad post quickly( more like it) Let me say sorry I haven't posted much and I till try to do better real soon.