Saturday, January 3, 2009

Vacation's almost over, what's next ?

Wow where does time go ? It seems like just yesterday that I was looking forward to the coming two week Christmas break, now it is ending. Though Cindy did have to work many of the days that Mike and the boys were on Vacation, she was able to get off for Christmas, New Years eve and New years day.
Things did get hectic at times as we made last minute decisions, like not to go out for New Years eve but to find the virtually impossible to find Wii game system, and if that was not a big enough feat, A wit fit was NOT a negotiable accessory, that had to be found.The kids ( OK ,all of us including me) have been having a great (exhausting ) time playing with this.
In addition,we also decided to upgrade our main TV to digital. This required the disposal of our old entertainment center as well as quite a bit of junk that had been stashed on /in it since we moved here over five years ago.( hey that is where my once new {yep I am that old} Bruce Springsteen record went.... If I get rid of this stack of records and cassette tapes, I can also get rid of the cool stereo system that we bought new in 1990)
Then there was the installation and set up of the new TV stand and of course, matching cabinets to stash future things :-)
Pretty much we have had a major unorganized mess around here since New Years eve. But what a good reason for a mess ! I also am proud to proclaim that I am making progress at sifting through the rubble and even disposing of much if it(three bags and counting going to charity. Five or six to the Garbage collectors)
So I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel,another cleaning day or two and I can kick back, right ? Well if I was a normal person without masochistic tendencies, yes but I am Diane...... That means the plate has a tiny clear spot so better heap on some more until it is overflowing again. So what is my next heaping? Could it be looking for the carpet that I vowed to put in the living room five years ago but since the huge entertainment center was already up and moving it would require just too much work? How about actually making a choice of a new couch and love seat which I have been looking for since September? How about the painting that Mike suggested that we do before either of the before mentioned? Hmmm all good possibilities, but In less than two months I will turn the dreaded 40. Mike and I have talked about celebrating with a trip, possibly a cruise(we have never been on a cruise nor even , with the exception of LA for a karate tournament, been anywhere further than Florida( I have only flown twice in my almost 40 years)) So what to do ? Should I get the house in order first ? Of course I should but just a few minutes of looking at travel sites won't hurt, right ??????????