Sunday, January 18, 2009

Winter cold

I have heard nothing but bad about the recent decline in temperature, even from some who are only seeing temps. no lower than the forties. Though for the most part I despise winter coldness as much as anyone,I must admit that I have found a couple things to like about it. First of all the kids got a snow day Friday.I still love snow days ! Also on days with a lot of snow Mike has been taking the all wheel drive Aztek, so I can't run any errands ( hey if there is too much snow for him to drive the Grand AM, surely I shouldn't drive it for anything but an emergency! right ?) But the biggest thing is that soup is a great food to serve for dinner in this weather and I make several kinds that are so easy. The night before last I made black bean and chicken rice. Today I am making chili and chicken noodle. Not only is soup easier than most meals to make but I can make big pots and have left overs. A church fellowship group that Mike and I are part of occasionally makes meals for a local man's family .The man was left quadriplegic following a robbery/ shooting as he was trying to deposit the days receipts from the restaurant that he managed. Soup works wonderfully for this. I just make a huge pot,let it cool , put half into plastic gallon and a half containers ( Like big ice cream buckets, which Dutch cupboard gets food supplies in and then gives away )reheat our half for dinner and freeze theirs until the lady who does delivery is ready for it.Yes soup is great and even though no family members all like the same kind, I can make two kinds with minimal effort.
There you have it.... There is a reason that I like Ohio.... even with it's winters !
Stay warm all !