Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years eve morning

Life sure has been busy here. As for an update on my last post, We did it ! Fifty miles from here in Grove City Pennsylvania ( think outlets )there is a tiny Wal Mart that was hoarding eight wii's. They are now down to seven. After this purchase, our next goal was the wii fit.These were on sale at Target and I seen fifteen or twenty Sunday morning but they were gone within hours, I am told. As with the Wii itself, these were sold out everywhere , even online. However, the stores within fifty miles rule found two at Salem ( about a twenty / thirty minute drive) Wal mart. We called and got there ASAP, but as I ran into electronics,a sweet mentally challenged employee, sent me to a display in the middle of the store, which was empty. Mike found a higher up who told him that there were four locked behind the counter in Electronics's ( it was explained that the boy was at lunch when they came in )As Mike purchased one, two other's jumped in line for one. All four were sold before we even left electronics. The kids think that we were unsuccessful with even finding a Wii and will be surprised this evening. ( I'm sooo mean !)
As for now, because I did all of this phoning and running and such( Not even mentioning having to wait four hours at Sears to get a tire, that appears as though someone tried to slice it,( Oh why would anyone want to slice MY tire !) replaced )I didn't even get the traditional pork and sauerkraut for tomorrow's dinner nor the foods for tonight ( since we are staying home we need party foods), so it is off to the market, worn out but pleased ! Have a safe and Happy New Years everyone!