Last week I called the eye doctor that the family has been seeing for years now to make our yearly eye appointments. I informed the desk lady that i needed five appointments starting no earlier than five O'clock and that any available day would be good with us. The lady came back with "we can see two this day and one this day and the other two on this day." I assumed that she didn't understand so I explained as politely as my Momma taught me that I didn't want to come in three days nor even two but for years we have always come together as a family and quite frankly the ability to get such appointments when everyone can go is the main reason that we even patronize this shop. The lady explained not so politely ( hey maybe her Momma wasn't big on teaching politeness, who am i to condemn ?)that these late appointments were in high demand and that if one family takes them all and then has to cancel, then they have just lost a late night . I understood but was not willing to give in especially since there were five appointments for today. ( one week later) In my way of thinking , if these appointments are in so high of demand,there would not be five available for the following week. Anyway I told the lady that it was all together or nothing and a supervisor came to the phone and agreed to accommodate us as long as we agreed to pay a cancellation fee if we canceled less than twenty four hours in advance. I agreed.
Well, today came with a snow storm last night into today but I couldn't cancel. However at two O'clock ( three hours before our appointments) a call came in. It was the desk lady at the eye doctor. We need you to come in at three, I was told."No can do" I replied. But we had cancellations and it is bad out and we want to get out of here early, I was told. Hmmmmm I stammered," If I had canceled I would have been charged what was it $50 per person ?"I asked. "Well ummmmmmm "the lady mumbled. "Not for an act of God "she finally spit out. In the end my Momma taught me well and I agreed to reschedule but not without informing them that i don't appreciate their policy and that if it is ever thrown at me again, I will find another doctor. The lady thanked me , rescheduled me and hung up. No doubt I was the bad guy when she told her coworkers of the call, but hey.....I do my best to keep appointments but I, just like them, have things come up every now and then. (BTW , I have never canceled an eye appointment with this doctor) Why is it that some people just feel that their crises are so much more urgent than mine ? No I am not a doctor( nor office worker) but isn't a Mother just as important ? I do think so. Maybe this should serve as a lesson to all, when someone inconveniences us maybe we should give them the benefit of the doubt. maybe just maybe they deserve it !