Tomorrow is the day that Cindy has been waiting for forever, Her high school graduation.As previous pictures have been seen, she has already graduated from Our county's career and technical center, but tomorrow's Graduation is the Big one. Not only is this the big one but the final one. After this Cindy will not ever be forced by law or anything other than her own choosing to attend school again . As a family we have been so busy lately that I am not sure that all of this has sunk in, to my brain anyway.I had the pleasure of accompanying Cindy to the Nursing school which she has already been accepted into yesterday for an informal meeting.The meeting was about two hours long and about made my head explode. Cindy has always been a bright girl and I have no doubt that she is capable of getting through this accelerated school ( She will finish in eleven months as opposed to two years that it takes for most nursing schools) Still, I wouldn't be a Mother if I didn't worry. Please everyone pray for her in this endeavor. There is still financial aid to secure and transcripts to be sent and the such( Cindy is technically not able to do any of this until after her official graduation day.) before classes start in September.
For right now I am trying not to stress over what needs to be but celebrate what is. I made it through the career & Tech center's Graduation without shedding a tear but can't promise the same here. Either way though ,through dry eyes or misty ones I am so proud to be the first to say Congratulations Cindy !!!!!! We love you and are bubbling with Pride !