Here are a few pictures of Cindy's graduation day. Three hundred and eighty nine of the classes original four hundred and twenty students took part ( Of the thirty one who did not participate, not all were ineligible .Some chose not to attend for various reasons and opted to receive diplomas by mail.) Each student was given at least five tickets for guests and some ,like Cindy, were able to secure a few more.Because this crowd was so big they brought in a professional photographer to take pictures so there wouldn't be a major jam of people close to the stage trying to get pictures.Because of this Mike and I decided to buy the professional shot and not even try to get our own. I will post this picture when I get it. For now here are a few that we took before and after the ceremony.
The BHS class of 2008 ( Can you find Cindy? She is on the last girls chair third row from left of picture)
Cindy with Diploma
Cindy With Nanny & Pops
Cindy With Grandma & Grandpa