Sunday, June 1, 2008
Thank you God, Thank you, Thank you ,Thank you !
The official letter came yesterday. Hannah E Mullins school of Practical nursing ( Kent State University )has accepted Cynthia Lee Parkhurst for enrolment starting in September ! Cindy had applied months ago but just got called and took the entrance exam last month. We were concerned about the math part as Cindy had never taken trigonometry or calculus and we were told ( we are related to or know a few former and current students of this school )that the Math portion of this schools chosen entrance exam for their nursing program contained these type of problems . This school also demands a relatively high score ( I am not sure exactly what score they demand as it is done on levels instead of percentages) for admission since it is an accelerated ( only eleven months long as opposed to the two year programs at most schools )LPN school. I got the letter out of the mail yesterday and called to Cindy. She was carrying some bags into the house and told me to open it so I got to personally give her the news. I think we both cried. Cindy had to work last night and there was a Mass at My deceased Grandmother's church for her so Mike and I attended.Throughout the whole mass I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving. Of course there are many matters that I could have / should have prayed for, but this weekend is all about being Thankful.