Today I had plans to accomplish quite a bit. I needed to take canned goods and other foods from my cupboard to my Aunt who would take them to a person whom she knows who is in need. On the way back I needed to order Cindy's cakes for her Graduation party a week from tomorrow. I then planned to get home in plenty of time before Mike got home from work and take the kids father's day shopping. I then planned to cook a gourmet meal and have it on the table when Mike entered the door.
My plans were not too far off base as I did deliver bags of food to my Aunt who will take it to a person who she knows is in need. I did stop and order Cindy's cakes and I did come home. The rest sort of got jumbled up when we realized that Cindy is allergic to my aunt's bunny whom she enjoyed cuddling with. Her face was a puffy mess, her nose ran like the faucet, and she couldn't talk for all of the sneezing she was doing. She took an allergy pill while I cooked the Gourmet meal( Hey I can call it what I want, right? lol) of Grilled chicken breast, chicken and mushroom rice, and tossed salad. After we ate Mike and I ran some errands while the kids did some chores.( since Cindy had already taken an allergy pill she should be able to handle the dust in her room I figure)Hopefully tomorrow will be a good morning for Father's day shopping before Cindy has to go to work at two o'clock. Then Sunday I will maybe conquer what was on Saturday's list and so on. One of these days I will be so far behind that I will think I am ahead. When that happens please don't tell me. Just let me have a day of bliss before I get behind again.