Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas caroling

Several years ago Our Parish priest was called by God to go into a near by maximum security prison and minister to inmates.Father has shared this story with us on a few occasions and I though I will not go into all details here it is worth sharing as part of this post.
Father was attending an intervention assembly at a local high school where the county had brought in inmates to talk to the students on the importance of staying in school , obeying the law, and such.( Father is very involved in this school district ,where the parish is located, and is invited to many of these types of things)As the presentation was about to start the principal asked father to stay for a luncheon in the home EC room after ,to which father accepted. The assembly started and Father watched and listened. About half way through God told Father that he wanted him to start going to the prison and ministering. As any good priest( or person) should father said yes God, but he had no idea how to do this. He asked God to reveal this information to him as the assembly wrapped up. Father proceeded to the Home EC room with the others and took an empty seat across from a woman who accompanied the inmates who spoke. He introduced himself and asked about who she was and why she was there. To his amazement, she was the worker at the prison who was in charge of setting up this sort of thing as well as the person in charge of any volunteering within the prison. God had given father what he needed and he quickly set in motion what was needed to accomplish God's request.After a month or so of ministering to these inmates Father got a call from our bishop, who lets just say is not a big fan of Father. The call sounded something like..... "Hello(Father's name) I hear that you are ministering at ____ prison. " " Yes " Father answered. After a moment of silence, the Bishop spoke" I have been trying to get a Priest in there for the past five years. How did you get them to let you in ?" " You wouldn't believe me if I told you" was Father's reply !

It has been several years since and Father visits the prison to minister on a regular basis. A couple years ago he got the idea to get a group together and Christmas carol through the prison. Cindy has wanted to go from the first year that Father asked for volunteers but she was under eighteen and the rules are strict to include that all visitors must be over eighteen. Cindy was saddened but had no choice but to wait. Well today before mass,as Cindy was leaving for work she asked me to ask Father when they were going. I was thinking of forgetting to ask when Father announced that the date and time were set. As I was about to set Cindy up to go I thought that I would rather that she didn't drive herself especially if it snowed, so I asked Mike if he thought that we should go too. He did, so I guess we are going.
I would be lying if I said I was 100% sold on doing this. After all I feed the hungry all of the time. Heck, if you count my family, several times a day. Not to mention I donate food all the time. Again I give drink to the thirsty, cloth the naked through clothing drives, buying outfits for the needy at various times of year etc.I comfort the sick too, but I can not say that I have ever visited the imprisoned in any way other than figuratively such as someone in a nursing home or home bound. It seems like God wants me to reach out in this area too. I admit that it is out of my comfort zone but Here I am God,Use me to do your will !