Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What a week... already !

Last weekend was a hectic one to say the least. With Michael's prom being on Friday night, Friday was full of preparations. I honestly thought that a son going to prom would be tons easier than a daughter but honestly there was little difference other than the time which it took to have her hair done was replaced by cleaning the car which was to be driven. Anyway, Michael had a great time at prom and I have over 100 pictures posted on my face book and will post some here for you non face bookers as soon as I can find some time. Saturday was spent running errands and other past due things and Sunday was Mother's Day which I spent a few hours with Mike and the kids before Mike had to go to bed before he went to work Sunday night. Then came Monday, It started out with a doctor's appointment for Mike and a meeting after. Since Mike was working midnight shift he met me at his doctor's appointment on his way home. Thankfully the doctor was not behind and we got right in but unfortunately not right out. There was the exam then x rays and then more exams and finally we were ushered into a room to schedule a MRI. The MRI was scheduled too close to our meeting time for me but that was the only available time so we went along with it. From there we took the two cars to our meeting which actually ended in time for us to head to the MRI appointment without Mike having to leave the meeting early.( this has become very common lately.... Heck I even finished his doctor's appointment for him a week ago while he went to work. ) Anyway I followed him to the appointment . When done there we headed home and I quickly made burgers and fries for dinner before he went to bed before going back to work for a double shift. Today hasn't been too bad except that when I get stressed I don't sleep so combine that with the rain and I am running on zero and I have to have dinner on the table when Mike walks in the door at 4:15 so that he can eat and then sleep three or four hours before doing it all again. Well, I Michael just got out of school so I best get busy.... Bye for now

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael.

Seventeen years ago today our seventeen year old, Michael came into this world, shaking things up . I knew that he would go far in karate when he used to punch and kick, from the womb , so hard that my muscles clamped down around his foot and arm and refused to release without the doctors help. Though you would never know it now, Michael was a born Mommy's boy. It was his refusal to stay with anyone else that prompted and clinched my destiny as a stay at home Mom. Yes Michael has been everything but your typical kid but we wouldn't have it any other way ! Happy Birthday Michael...... We love you !!!!!!

Here are a few pictures of tonight's not so orthodox celebration with ice cream cake.

I light the one candle that did not get broken when the pack was shoved into an overflowing drawer

Cindy serves Michael his piece of cake

Cindy even helps Michael take his first bite

resembles his first birthday, just a bit !

awwww they love each other