Monday, March 29, 2010

Congratulations Cindy

Today was what Cindy calls her dress rehearsal for Nursing school graduation. NO it really has nothing to do with graduation from nursing school but rather her graduation from Phlebotomy class. Though she still needs to take her state phlebotomy exam in May she has completed all of the requirements needed to take this test. In addition to earning her certificate, Cindy was also voted class brain,by her class mates which is a great honor. The ceremony was short and ended with the students treating their family and friends ( the ones who have been allowing them to draw their blood for a few weeks now)to a wonderful Hors d'oeuvres table complete with cake and drinks.
Please join me in Congratulating Cindy on a job well done !

PS pictures will follow as soon as I get the camera out of the car that Mike took to work.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

This weekend was Palm Sunday

That means it was a busy busy weekend for our family. Friday night Mike and I were forced to make a shopping trip because some of us were missing the all black clothing that was required for our participation in the dramatization of this Sunday's passion. For some reason both Michael and Robby had both grown to the point that their black jeans ( I can't remember if we got them last Palm Sunday,or over the summer in preparation for Back to school)were Capri length( at best) and tight. Once prepared we went on about our lives until Saturday afternoon when we had to gather for our first mass. After Saturday evening's mass we headed home. Bright and early Sunday we arose as we had to be back at church for Sunday's masses. By afternoon we were ready to come home in the rain. Once home I wanted nothing more than to take a nap but tomorrow starts another week and so laundry needed done in addition to little things like everyone wanted to eat. Thankfully everyone pitched in and we got a lot done. Michael even found a few minutes to make me a wall cross ( and several little crosses too) out of palms.

Yes it has been a busy weekend and as this weekend draws to a close we find ourselves in the most Holy of all weeks. Though I will find myself making the final preparations for Easter dinner, picking up the last of the Gifts which will fill my children's Easter baskets, and even making sure that we have eggs to dye, none of this is of any importance compared to the reality of it all. Yes it is Holy week and throughout the week we will celebrate the final days of lent. WE will celebrate the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, Fast as we remember the Crucifixion on Good Friday and finally rejoice in the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Yes it will be a busy week but also a wonderful week. May you all have a Blessed Holy week !

What a quote for Palm Sunday

Borrowed from
Quote of the day - The Deacon's Bench

"To be connected with the (Catholic) church is to be associated with scoundrels, warmongers, fakes, child-molesters, murderers, adulterers and hypocrites of every description.

It also, at the same time, identifies you with saints and the finest persons of heroic soul of every time, country, race, and gender.

To be a member of the(Catholic) church is to carry the mantle of both the worst sin and the finest heroism of soul because the (Catholic)church always looks exactly as it looked at the original crucifixion, God hung among thieves."
-- Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I., "The Holy Longing"
H/T Fran

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Phone working and on my soap box !

This morning, three days after I lost phone service, the man from the phone company showed up bright and early to fix my problem. Thankfully he found the problem and had it fixed in a short time. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to have my phone service back but honestly should it have taken three days especially when I am paying three hundred dollars a month to this company to provide my bundle of services ( OK my cell phones still worked but still) What if I were an elderly person with no cell phones ? Such a person could have an emergency and no way to even call 911.... This is unacceptable !

where did the time go ?

I just finished booking an appointment for Michael to have his senior photographs taken.(Yes I am a bit early but booking today is saving me 60% off his sitting fee and $75 off his pictures plus 40 free wallet size pictures) Though the appointment isn't for three months yet, it still seems so early to be doing so. Not early like in having them taken months before( in order to be in the yearbook they must be taken by September) but like How can he already be a junior, just yesterday he was in preschool, wasn't he?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

And I was so happy

Last night I came home in such a good mood. Since Cindy has been seeking her phlebotomy certification, many family members have been selflessly flocking to her school to allow her to draw a few drops of their blood. Even though,for me getting blood drawn ranks about equal with smashing my head into a wall , I love my daughter and her education is very important to me so even though I was not allowed to participate for a few weeks due to my surgery I was back in the drawing chair as soon as her instructor would allow it. Last night was her last draw date and she started it needing twenty more draws to complete the hundred needed to apply for certification. Thankfully she , as usual , had a good turnout and soon she was down to one more. It just so happened that I had not yet taken a turn and so I headed to the draw area and without even feeling the pinch I became her number 100. Since I am a tough draw at best not to mention that my recent surgery and hospital stay had my veins ragged, I was so proud that she did so well.Add this pride to the pride that she will graduate with this degree on Monday and I was on cloud nine.Then I got home. As soon as I got home I decided to call my Mom and tell her the time of graduation. Unfortunately I had no dial tone and further inspection showed no DSL either. I called the phone company( via cell phone) but was told that they would not guarantee that anyone could fix my problem until Saturday.No phone or Internet for three days...( remember I have two driving teens) I couldn't imagine. Well after eight hours the DSL came back but I still have no home phone.This has me on pins and needles as even though I have a cell phone,what if something would happen and someone would need to get hold of me ? Seems that the phone company doesn't care how high this raises my anxiety level , they still are sticking to their maybe Saturday quote. So anyone who needs us... please try our cell phones and I will frantically bite my nails and pray that the issue gets resolved.......... And I was so happy !

Monday, March 22, 2010

Back in the saddle again

For quite a few years now my family has been part of our Parish's Palm Sunday's dramatization of the Passion. Though the kids have switched parts here and there Mike has maintained the part of Pontius Pilate and I Mary Magdalene for several years now. Because of this I felt terrible when my surgery ( which was supposed to be preformed in either January or February) was not scheduled until March and I realized that I would only be four weeks post surgery and still on six week restrictions. Because of this I regretfully told the director that I would have to bow out this year. Mike struggled with what to do but decided that he , not wanting to put a burden on the directors ( personal friends of ours)would stay in. The boys also stayed in but since Cindy's work schedule would conflict with at least one of the three masses anyway, said she would also step down. In an unfortunate turn of events, the director's mother, who lives in another state, required immediate surgery and the director had to go so the directing was passed to two new women. Since these women were overwhelmed, somehow my part as Mary Magdalene was never filled, and went unnoticed until yesterday's practice. Because I knew that there were a few minor parts that needed filled( one of the designated new directors is a fellow member of a group that Mike and I belong to) and I was asked if I could possibly be a person who needed healed, I showed up for practice willing to do what was needed.To make a long story shorter, it was noticed that I was never replaced (and nobody really wanted to play Mary Magdalene(go figure) and since my recovery is going well and I thought I could handle what I doubted I could handle a couple weeks ago, I ended up reclaiming my part. So next week I will once again play Mary Magdalene for our Parish's three masses.I only pray that I my recovering body can do the part justice.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Quote of the day !

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Two weeks and a day post surgery

This morning was my two week post surgical doctor's visit.We were a bit concerned that one side of my incision had opened up a bit but other than that I seem to be doing pretty well.Even the (possible) infection site seems to be looking better. The doctor agreed that I was doing wonderful( he was not even alarmed by the opening but just taped me closed again) and though I still am restricted from lifting anything more than a couple pounds, he did give me the OK to drive, which is wonderful. These two weeks have gone by so fast that four more will probably be gone before I know it and this whole ordeal will be in the past. As for now, I think I will head to the grocery store.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lucky (ummmm I guess that is a matter of opinion) you !

Since I have never been much of a TV person I am going crazy with my do not drive, lift, bend, or anything else rule.I can't even cook because most of my pans are too heavy to lift. Mike has taken me to the store a couple times and is glad to have me ride along wherever he goes but the fact is that he is on midnight turn and working overtime on top of that ( we have to pay my hospital deductible some how ya know)so much of his time home is spent sleeping.Cindy is also working midnights as well as going to school so that excludes her and Michael and Robby are in school all day with karate many nights. Because of this I am finding myself online more than usual. This is OK but today I found that several clothing stores have e mailed their new summer lines. Since I will need a few new pair of shorts anyway, I seen no harm in a little looking, right ???? Well I looked too much ! Yes, once my stuff is shipped and gets here I will be set but so much for saving money needed to pay bills. So now I have put myself on online shopping probation and though I hate me for doing it, this includes e bay. So now my choices are to watch Doppler radar ( yea and did I mention that we are now having sun shine without a cloud in the sky )or talk to your guys, so guess what?????

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Putting it all into perspective !

I have to admit that I have done my share of complaining since my surgery.( Improperly placed cathider.... need I say more) Though I am trying to be cheerful and not complain unnecessarily( nobody wants to listen to someone whine while they try to help them), it is sometimes hard to smile while I try and try to pull myself out of bed but instead of accomplishing this task I just hurt myself more as I fail.Thankfully for the most part I have Mike or one of the older kids here to help me and this is how I usually get by. I have heard though that depression after this type of surgery is very common and can totally understand that. Just the other day as a matter of fact I sat unable to move from my position on the couch and thought about how I am sick of this already. For a minute I even went where I have been avoiding like the plague.... poor me-ville !Luckily Mike walked in and helped me to stand and I moved on. Yesterday, though I got an awakening.
Since I was unable to be left alone Mike decided that the boys would have to miss an out of town ( three hour drive each way)karate training. He then sent a couple E mails to tell why they were missing , Of course most responded with E mails promising prayers and wishes of well but one e mail put things into perspective. This E mail came from an older than us man who collaborates with Mike to document these events in photos while he wife trains and competes. Last we heard,in December, his wife, a wonderful woman, was recovering from surgery on her knee. Here as she was concentrating on knee recovery, cancer was found. This woman while recovering from knee surgery had no choice but to endure a complete hysterectomy. On top of it all after the surgery she contracted a viral infection. As if this isn't terrible enough, her viral infection was passed on to her husband who despite his own many health problems was trying to take care of her. I read this e mail, which was written in an upbeat, we are thankful that things aren't worse tone and felt like such a whiner. Here I don't have near the problems as this poor woman nor the problems of many who are fighting for their lives, or worse yet the lives of their children, or other unthinkable things and I feel justified to whine because of a little inconvenience and pain... I have no right ! So at least for now, I am trying to do my best to be cheerful..... after all I have that option.... some don't !

Our census form is in the mail !

Yesterday's mail brought our Census form. Since I am still on major restriction ( no lifting, driving, bending, and so on) I had a few minutes of sitting and staring into space and there was a pen near by that was just barely under the weight that I was allowed to pick up so I decided to do my duty and fill out the form. Since it only asked for the names birth dates,and ethnic back round of those living in our house, I finished within a couple minutes and had Michael drive it ( in it's postage paid envelope)to the Post office ( Thank God for teenagers with driver's licences:-) Oh the pride of coorperating with Uncle Sam !

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ever take a picture of yourself ? How about yourself and your wife ? How about yourself and your wife with your big heavy Nikon camera?

Yep my Husband has skill !

Nice and legal again !

Since Mike's birthday was Friday,As per Ohio's BMV laws,our cars' licence plates expired. Unfortunately with my post op doctor's appointment and it being my first time out since returning from the hospital and the noticing of infection and all,we forgot to renew our ( or our teenagers') licence plates. When we realized Saturday, the BMV was closed until today so we just vowed to rectify the situation (and pay the late fine of $20 per vehicle) today. When Mike got off work this morning,we went straight to the BMV and were pleasantly surprised to find out that we would not be charged the $80 fine because we had seven calendar days grace period, so we gladly paid the price for plate renewal( even though it has gone up yet again to between $56- $102 per car) and are now breathing a sigh of relief that we are legal again .

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Pi day all !

Come on.... How could the Wife of a Tool & Die maker forget ?


Friday, March 12, 2010

Baking Dad's cake

Last night Cindy decided that , due to my infirmity, she would take on the task of baking Mike's Birthday cake. Now this may not sound like a big deal as many girls bake cakes, cookies , and other wonderful things by the age of nineteen. I in fact was engaged at nineteen and it was a normal occurrence for me to cook dinners complete with deserts often. Cindy however, has lead a sheltered life where cooking is concerned and even though she has helped bake she has never done a solo cake, especially for Mike who is very picky about his cake. This made me nervous but since I had a doctor's appointment this morning I was not here to help her. Since she worked midnight shift last night and is scheduled again tonight she had the cake cooling and was in bed when I got home. When she got up for dinner, she pulled me aside and whispered that the cake had been messed up. Being level headed( must have been from the pain meds that I took because I am usually Mrs anxiety)I said no problem there is always Dairy Queen. No she said, it is OK, just the bottom layer cracked. Poor girl doesn't know a success when she sees one. Anyway, the cake looked fine and tasted wonderful too. Very moist and better than many that I have made. So here is a picture of Mike and his special Birthday cake. Thank you Cindy, Dad and I both appreciate it !

Comic relief curbs tense moment

We have all been there when that one well meaning person, who experiences times when his or her brain does not seem to keep up with their mouth, has just had a sentence escape that they and someone else both wish could be snatched back.
Today as Mike and I exited my OB/Gyn's office into his waiting room, I heard some random woman say..... "That's the problem with coming here. Everyone thinks that everyone else is pregnant" Since I was not in the conversation nor even sure who made the statement, I continued to the door where there were a couple women ahead of Mike and I. As we walked to the elevator there was one woman inside holding the door . As I waited for these two women to board, the one in front of me nervously asked.... " is there room for us ?" the woman inside responded" it's just me in here..... I know I'm big, but I think you can fit"( this woman was less than half of my size) The two women entered as did Mike and I. Once in, the first woman in said" gee... first you mistake me for being pregnant.... now you imply that I take up a whole elevator ! then the woman nervously laughed .The third woman repeated what I heard in the office "That's the problem with coming here. Everyone thinks that everyone else is pregnant" There was then silence as my eyes shifted to Mike he laughed and blurted out "Don't look at me !" everyone laughed as we exited the elevator. Yep sometimes comedy does break a tense situation.

Happy Birthday to my other half !

We love you !

One week post op and doing well

I just returned from my one week and one day post op doctor appointment and am proud to now be staple free ! I am also starting to feel more human and can even tolerate changing positions more than a couple times a day, Thanks be to God !

We did unfortunatly find what seems to be a possible infection. Please pray that the antibiotics that were perscribed, do the trick.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day book March edition

Outside my window … I see sun shine and brown wet grass that was covered by so much snow for so long

I am thinking … about how my recovery is going so well but yet there are still so many snags that I wish I would just get through already.

I am thankful for … Mike and the kids who,though having a tendency to upset me at times, still love and care for me and would do anything I asked, even if it does include an eye roll. Also for friends and family who have been concerned enough to call, send flowers and cards and so many other thoughtful things that I never expected.

I am hoping … that I can soon get in and out of bed without pain

On my mind … looking forward to this summer's vacation and thinking that I should use my free time to finalize flight reservations, pre boarding passes and other things

Noticing that … The weather finally gets nice when I am unable to go out and enjoy it

A few plans for the week … Just to relax and try not to do anything that I am not supposed to

From the kitchen … We will be eating the food that I stockpiled with possibly a few takeout foods thrown in there.

Around the house … Much needs to be done but it is mostly on hold for right now

One of my favorite things … Moist chocolate cake with butter cream icing

A picture I am sharing …

get well balloons and one ( of several)vases of flowers that I received while in the hospital.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Home early

Though my doctor got more than he bargained for when his incision showed that my entire uterus had adhered to my abdominal wall( a sign common in those with autoimmune disorders like lupus) as well as a huge cyst had appeared on my ovary, the surgery went very well. A little more than two hours after its start I was awakening in recovery. Next thing I knew I was in a room. Though I feel like I have been beaten with a series of clubs and ball bats, I have to admit that this was not near as bad as I had expected. Many people had told me that it would be worse than a c section, which having three, I consider myself a pro at. In reality, this was not near as bad . Within hours after surgery I was setting in a chair, which impressed my doctor to the point that he suggested that I start walking at about twelve hours post surgery. Though I didn't do as perfectly as I would have liked to, I found myself way above schedule and discharged less than forty eight hours after surgery. Though this hospital was the best that I have ever been in, I still was happy to come home. As for now, I am feeling rather tired and the pain meds have kicked in so I think I will head for bed but first wanted to thank everyone for their prayers.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Surgery in less than 24 hours

Well I finished cooking pounds of pasta in meat sauce, huge pots of chili and chicken soup, baked a ham,grilled three pounds of chicken breast then cut it up into baggies for chicken salads or adding to another side dish and plan to make a couple potato casseroles , and have even prepared a Lenten Friday meatless meal of Parmesan encrusted tilapia and mac and cheese which simply need to be heated in the oven for a half an hour. This should take care of the families food needs while I spend three days in the hospital. A week ago there was a chance that I would be able to simply have an outpatient procedure and come home but after a doctor's consultation on Monday, Mike and I decided that the time is now to stop trying quick fixes ( that are not long lasting) and to just do what we have to do. I paid all of the bills yesterday so that will be done for a month while I recover and I will even have my roots dyed this afternoon ( Now that is important :-) Then tonight I will pack my bag and try to sleep a couple hours before getting ready to be the the surgical center at 5:00 AM( just updated to 6:00am). Mike has taken a couple days vacation so he will take me and Cindy , who also has taken a couple days off, will get Robby on the bus and then come to be with Mike and me post surgery.Michael will get home from school and wait for Robby then they will eat and come to the hospital later in the evening. Yes, I think that it is all worked out. Just a little more prep and lots of prayers. Many of you have asked if you can do anything and my reply has been pray. I know that a couple of you want to be at the hospital waiting with Mike which is great( come one come all...... BTW this surgical center offers free coffee and pop and sells huge brownies( with M&M's )for only seventy five cents so don't worry about stopping for coffee first) but Prayer is ultimately what we need and the best part is that you don't need to travel, get a sitter, spend money or anything else to help us out.
It will probably be a few days before I post ( unless the new pain meds that they told me about are as good as they say) so for now... Thank you all for your thoughts and Prayers... They are surely appreciated.