Sunday, April 11, 2010

twitter anyone?

When I started this blog I knew very few, except for teenagers who were on face book or my space but since then many old people like me have joined the face book craze. Heck my Mom even has a face book page... now how creepy is that ? Anyway I am starting to feel pressure to either make a face book page in addition to my blog or abandon my blog for face book. I may consider making a face book in addition to but would really hate to give up my blog.Maybe it sounds stupid but I like my blog.It has become my little place a place where I can talk about my insignificant life. You know kind of rejoice in the good and cry about the bad.
I did however add twitter to my blog awhile back . I originally added it so that I could tweet via cell phone. Too bad that I never was able to successfully set this feature up.However Michael actually mentioned the other day that he had made a twitter account to keep in touch with some friends. Wow I thought in the universe of the young and old... we meet ! Anyway Michael is now following me on twitter and I will turn the task of setting up my twitter by phone to him. This being said, I will probably be tweeting regular soon so if anyone wants to follow me and/or invite me to follow you,you know how !!!!!