Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Don't get it !
Yesterday evening as I drove home from an errand I heard on the radio about a local school who had a lock down . It seems that while checking lockers, the Police found that twenty some students ( grade 6 to 12) had marijuana in their lockers. As if this was not news worthy enough the real news was that these students only received ten days suspension. The DJ was commenting that this little slap on the wrist was ridiculous for possession of an illegal drug, not to mention on school property. Though I was amazed at such a light punishment I didn't think much of it until I got home to where my own teens were talking about the lock down at their schools.In talking to them I found out that yesterday was actually known as marijuana day(having no drug related experience, myself, I was amazed that there was such a day) and that it was customary for every public school ( at least in our area) to have a lock down while the local Police brought in drug sniffing dogs to check lockers and cars in the parking lot. "Did you guys know there was going to be a lock down ?" I asked to which the boys replied "yes". So, perhaps I am missing something here but if someone is addicted to or dealing marijuana and is told that at such and such a date their locker and car will be searched for it, would these people really be stupid enough to have said marijuana( or other illegal drug)in said locker or car ?Obviously these people were. Now don't get me wrong, I realize that doing drugs is not smart to begin with but come on.... this is a new level of stupidity ! According to my research ( OK talking to high school kids) on this day, for years, lock downs are a given, so these kids know it is coming. Is it just a big game to "try to fool the cop dog" ? or have these illegal drugs just fried the brain beyond reasonable thought ? Either way parents of other students in these schools are outraged( as would I be) and have filed a law suite against the school to force the ten day suspension to expulsion. Their premise is that other students should not be forced to be exposed to criminals ( possession is a criminal offense)in school. As a Mother of teens, I would have to say that I agree but more than that.... where are these parents????????? If I found any illegal substance in my child's possession, they would not be physically able to go back to school in ten days when I got done with them. I am amazed that other parents don't feel the same. Honestly I would love to be inside of these parents heads. Lets see.... first of all your into illegal activity and then you are arrogant enough about it to parade it around when you know you'll get caught.... Wow.... where did your stupidity come from ! Furthermore,as far as the ten day slap on the wrist........ makes me wonder if the principal has his own stash ! You know somethings I just don't get. Maybe I'm missing something but I just don't get it !