Friday, April 2, 2010

Ethical ???????

Lets just say that someone, anyone really, has a sixteen year old son who happens to have his driver's license . Lets also hypothetically say that said sixteen year old wants to get a job but has parents who want said teenager to wait until summer. Lets further imagine that these parents ( who really are the most wonderful people that you would want to meet)have agreed to pay for their child's expenses. ( including gas so that said child can drive to school)
OK now lets just say that the wonderful parents of said child decide that a gift card for a local gas station would be a wonderful gift that would fit awesomely, amongst candy into this child's Easter basket.
Would this be an ethical gift or would it be more of a gift to the parents and therefore be an unethical gift ?
Not that I am planning to put the Sheetz gift card,(that I already bought)into my sixteen year old's basket or anything but I was just wondering :-)