Thursday, December 17, 2009

A slip but not a good one

Though we have not been given the official word, there has been a slip from a Sensei whom we trust and it looks as though Michael's Nidan test has been scored for a six month retest. The part that stinks about these tests is that you can be told to retest, or even fail without being given specific reason ( the score cards are not shown to the person testing). I guess that the idea of this is to force one to look deep within , examine not only ones karate ability, but ones spirit(attitude) ( any of these things can be cause for retest or failure) and work on everything.
At this point we have no choice but to believe that Michael will have to retest. This is,though not the outcome we had hoped for, not such a bad thing, as everyone needs to take a good hard look at themselves from time to time. It can only benefit. After all there is a reason that the first line in the Dojo Kun ( mission statement for ShotoKan) is "Seek perfection of Character"