Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good news...... I think

Monday I had a doctor's appointment which ended in me being told in no uncertain terms that I will need a surgery that I have been putting off for awhile. When asked when the surgery would be done, the Doctor replied that he is booked until January or February( February if I can get into the hospital which I want as this surgery will require a two or three day stay) but that he feared that I may actually be an Emergency case and looking at the next two weeks . The determining factors would be blood work, which I had done in the office, and an extensive ultrasound scheduled for next week. Because of this I was not surprised to see that the Doctor was calling yesterday afternoon. Expecting the worst, I answered. Thankfully it was a nurse and not the doctor who told me that my blood work had come back and I was "barely stable" ( hey anyone who knows me could have told you that this was the case.... of course this is physical rather than mental ;-). I asked for numbers which she didn't have as my file was not available so I am awaiting another call to find out what "barely stable" is but apparently it is good enough to wait for surgery provided that the ultrasound doesn't show the need for Emergency status. This being said, I think that I will file this under good news. As a child I was confined to the hospital for I believe a week , finally getting out on Christmas eve and trust me it was not fun then and would be worse now .Especially since I have declined dinner invitations and plan on cooking for our family myself. So prayers for a stable ultrasound are appreciated.