Monday, October 26, 2009

They're here They're here !

Months ago our family was promised H1N1 vaccines from various places. First Cindy's place of employment ordered them for the families of their employees. These should have been in but supposedly now the risk to old people( at the nursing home) has been deemed slim so our vaccines are being shipped elsewhere. Our Doctor was also supposed to get the vaccine in but nobody seems to know when if they will show at all. The boy's school, however has secured vaccines for all students whose parents wish to have their kids vaccinated and as of this evening, they have arrived ! Unfortunately, Mike, Cindy, and I will probably not be able to secure a vaccine from the school(Unless many parents refuse consent for their children) but at least the boys will get theirs . Honestly, if one of our family members is higher risk than others it is Robby anyway so at least he and Michael will be protected .