Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sounded good at the time !

A few weeks back was Michael's school picture day. While picking our package I realized that for a mere ten dollars more, I could have Michael's picture airbrushed removing all blemishes to give a perfect picture. Because Michael has days that his face breaks out in addition to a couple scars which includes one big one resulting from when he tried to share a bone with an evidently stingy dog, this option sounded wonderful so I added it without further thought.
Michael received these pictures today and text me to let me know he would bring them home with him,which had me excited , after all I never had an airbrushed picture of me nor my kids. ( well except for Cindy's senior pictures which I guess were airbrushed too but anyway !) As Michael came in and handed me his pictures, my heart was racing with anticipation. I then looked at them and well.... they were good . As I looked for a couple seconds, I teetered on regretting the choice of the airbrush option.Without his scars and even a few zits, yes Michael was very handsome ( after all he is Mike's and my son) but he wasn't Michael ! I struggled with this thought ( that I dare not say) and showed Mike the pictures when he came home. Amazingly Mike had the words that I couldn't find. Wow you take away all of the imperfections and you loose all of the character ! Wow, Mike( who never has the right words) was so right.In an attempt to make our son more beautiful, we detracted from the vary things that makes him the boy who we love ! Will I ever have a picture airbrushed again? Probably at least the boys senior pictures but probably never a school picture again !