Friday, October 23, 2009

And I was so happy

Yesterday's mail brought the Photo Christmas Cards that I had ordered. Being busy at the time, I laid them on the table and forgot about them until last night.Once I did open them, my heart sank a bit. The way that the card was designed there was a picture of the kids in the back and then there was a circular "frame" at the bottom of their picture where Mike and my picture was. The problem was that Mike and my picture over extended the frame and one could see it was a square picture. Luckily, it didn't cover any of the kids faces or anything but it just didn't look as nice as it could have. I immediately wrote an E mail to the company who did the pictures , asking for a redo but this morning's E mail brought me a reply that they were taking this design off of their web site due to this little glitch and were refunding my money. They invited me to pick another design.
Now I can't complain too much as they have refunded my money and I still have the cards but my dilemma is..... Do I use these (substandard)cards or reorder? If I reorder, what do I do with these ones? Should I just suck it up or will that action have Our families cards being critiqued by everyone we send it to ? The frugal housewife in me says , "just use them" My pride says, they were free, reorder....Oh what to do........