Sorry about the long time without a post. I know that many of my readers must be going through Diane withdrawal. You know that disease that self centered people like me think that people like you get when you don't hear from me. OK OK, no need to be mean now :-)
Anyway things here are busy busy busy. Cindy is back in Nursing school with clinicals three days a week and working weekends so we have not seen much of her but her car appears in the driveway now and then and her favorite foods and the plate that I put into the fridge every night when she misses dinner end up being eat so I am pretty sure that she is doing fine. The boys are also back in school and are preparing for the ISKF nationals coming in November. As for Mike, he is working twelve to twenty hours a day as we all know that the overtime won't last and we can always use the money. As for me, I am keeping up. Here is a look at a day earlier this week
1:30 AM Alarm goes off,I get up and get Mike up.I go downstairs,half asleep, cook him an omelet, pack his lunch, make him a 32oz cup of espresso (Once he tried to buy this at Starbucks and was told that it would cost well over fifty dollars because it was $4 per shot not to mention that even if he paid their asking price that they could not ethically sell it as such a large amount of caffeine could kill the average person.BTW I don't think that Mike has ever been referred to as average, but that is another post)
2:30 AM Mike departs and I talk to him on the phone until he arrives at work
3:10 AM Mike is at work so I say good bye and crawl back in bed.
4:00 AM the alarm goes off.I wake Cindy as she has to leave for clinicals between 5:00 and 5:30. I cook her an omelet and wait for her to get ready so I can fix her hair (she is not allowed to have any hair touching her shoulders while in clinicals) 5:30 Cindy's hair is done and she leaves. I get Michael up for school and cook him an omelet.
6:45 AM Michael leaves and Robby gets up, I cook him an omelet and then check my E mails as he gets ready and watches TV until time to leave.
8:10AM Robby catches his bus.I think about sleeping for an hour but do this and that and end up not having time.
10:00 AM I start to get ready for a doctor's appointment
11:30 AM I leave for my appointment
12:15 PM still in a crowded waiting room
12:50 PM my name is called
1:55 PM I walk out of doctor's office after discussing options and explaining that there is no way that I can have a surgery that would take me six weeks to recover from anytime soon. Finally the doctor and I agree that we will revisit this issue in three months
2:10 PM I stop at the store to pick up a few things
2:50 PM back in my car headed home
3:00 PM planning dinner and start to cook
3:24 PM Michael gets home and tells me he needs this and that. I half listen as Mike gets off work and calls to talk to me on his way home
4:30 PM dinner is on the table.we eat clear the table, load the dishwasher, throw a load of laundry in, and the boys get ready for karate
6:00 PM Take the boys to karate, Make one stop after dropping them off.
On the way back notice three fire trucks at the club where they boys take karate. Pull in and see everyone outside stop and see that boys are OK, wait to see if they are going to get back in or if I need to take them home.
7:20 PM Firemen confirm that someone accidental pulled an alarm. Boys go back in and I come home
8:15 PM leave to get the boys when they are done about 8:30
8:55 get home with boys refusing to get them ice cream even though Dairy Queen has $1 cupcakes on their value menu
9:20 PM remind Mike,while he is on the phone, that he has to get up at 1:30 and we should probably think about going to bed soon
10:20 PM go to bed
1:30 AM can it be the alarm already ?