Saturday, December 27, 2008

More LA pictures (Thank's to Dan Bare!)

Mike got an E mail this afternoon from a karate friend of ours who just happens to be the wife of the man , with the awesome camera, who ,along with Mike , takes pictures for the karate web site. The karate site is done by yet another man and is not , to my knowledge, updated yet. However our friend Mr. Dan Bare has his pictures up on his site. His link is Under youth are several pictures of Michael and Robby both. Since I have posted pictures of Robby that Mike took but Michael's shots looked like he was fighting a ghost and only one was posted, I will post a couple of Robby and a few of Michael's today.

Michael's kata

another shot of Michael's kata

Michael's kumite ( sparing) match

Another of Michael's kumite ( sparing) match

Another of Michael's kumite ( sparing) match

Another of Michael's kumite ( sparing) match

Another of

Michael's kumite ( sparing) match

Robby's Kata

Another of Robby's Kata