What a day ! It all started when Mike called from work on Tuesday. During the course of conversation, he mentioned that he felt "odd" kind of jittery and when filling out paperwork found that his writing was sloppy, though he tried to concentrate on neatness ( For those of you who are not aware, Mike is a perfectionist when it comes to writing. He used to practice his signature for hours to make it perfect)After asking some questions to rule out serious problems this news didn't alarm me much as due to a car accident two years ago Mike has had some issues, but I suggested that he come home and we visit the local ER just to be sure. We got to the ER at 3:00 and waited till 4:30 to actually get called back to a room ( so much for that "you will be seen by a doctor in thirty minutes or less!)Anyway, tests were run and it was about 6:30 when a nurse walked in and asked if the doctor had been in. We said no and she turned to leave as she asked if Mike had taken aspirin? No, why? was our reply but she was gone without an answer. This was not good. I thought and panic mode started. Mike assured me that they were probably going to give him a prescription and didn't want a reaction to aspirin so were making sure. I didn't really buy this but we started talking about going for wings when we got done and I let it go. About 30 minutes later another nurse walked in with a post it note in his hands. " We got a room " he proudly stated. What ! I demanded what is going on? he got a funny look and asked if the doctor had been in yet. No but you better get her, Now I said as I got up and followed him into the hall. Once in the hall he stated that he probably made a mistake and would go check. In tears I waited what seemed like forever until the ER doctor came in. The blood work came back with elevated cardiac enzymes we were told. Though Mike was showing no real signs of a heart attack, they thought he should be admitted . After many questions and a call to my family doctor, we reluctantly agreed for twenty four hours in the hospital for tests but if they showed nothing were out of there in twenty four hours. Soon an ambulance came to take Mike from the satilite ER to the main hospital and I went home to get him the necessary things for an overnight stay.
Mike called me at 6:30 Wednesday morning and I got up to cook the kids a meat free breakfast and go to the hospital. ( I decided that since my kids had not had a day off since school started in September, that they could stay home as being worried about Dad would affect their concentration anyway !)By the time I got all three kids fed and called off from school and sped off to the hospital, Mike called to let me know that I missed the family doctor. I got in just in time to hear the cardiologist say that he was sure that Mike's problem was not a heart attack but that they were going to do a stress test anyway ( don't tell my insurance company ). They held Mike's breakfast tray ( this stressed him probably more than the treadmill ) and went to schedule the test. About an hour and a half later we were informed that the test would not be run until 4:00. They then brought Mike his cold breakfast tray. I couldn't believe it. There was bacon on the tray ! Now this is a Catholic hospital, it is ash Wednesday, and Bacon is standard on the trays. I understand that there are many non catholics who eat meat on Ash Wednesday but a standard???? I discussed this matter with the nurse who was sweet but had no idea what my problem was. She stated that she was Christian with little Catholic knowledge. I then asked if she could give me the number for Pastoral council to see if Mike could go to the Chapel for Ash Wednesday mass and she smiled and reminded me that it was Wednesday, not Sunday. OK I smiled. As she left she asked..... "Do Catholics really gamble?? You know like Bingo fund raisers and such? " Yes I replied we do. "How about wine? Do you get real wine? "Why yes" I replied . Wow she said as she left. Hmmmmmm I thought I think I will call someone higher. I called the cafeteria next and found out that though meatless meals were not standard on Ash Wednesday nor Friday's during Lent for the patients, they gave me the choices and I picked some meatless food like a couple tossed salads for Mike's meals. This was not a big deal though because he missed lunch and dinner because he was away for tests. Though they left both trays , the hot tea and coffee were cold and the ice cream and salads were warm when he got back. I ran down to the cafeteria while we waited for the OK to get ready to leave and luckily they has meatless there. I got us a couple fish sandwiches and took them upstairs. While eating a new nurse poked her head in. " The tests were done too late " she stated, "They can not be read until morning so you have to stay the night"" I don't think so" I blurted out ! Call my doctor ( Poor Dr. Denise, she is a wonderful doctor and must hate dealing with me !)anyway ten minutes later, the nurse told Mike to get ready and she would discharge him as soon as she finished his paperwork.
Thank you God, that Mike is home and feeling pretty good now ! All tests are back and negative now except for one and we are relatively sure that one will be OK too. I do plan on following up with a letter to the Hospital administration about their Lenten meals. I think that even though protestants may be in great number now a days, a Catholic Hospital should still follow the teachings of the Catholic Church !
Thank you to all the great nurses and aids who took care of us.Thank you Doctor Denise and Dr Sweeney, Thank you to the priest who brought me ashes when Mike was denied of going to the chapel and I didn't want to leave him. Thank you again to the same priest who came back twice only to find that Mike had been taken for yet another test.Good bless all you other patients who are not lucky enough to be home.Thank You God !