Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Michael robert Ignatius

St Paul the Apostle Church was the setting on February 12, 2007 for seventy one of the parishes eighth and ninth grade members to be confirmed. Monsignor Robert Siffrin presided with the aid of Father Nicholas Shori, St Paul's pastor.
I am very proud that one of those seventy one was my second born, Michael Robert Jr. It seems like just yesterday that Michael was an infant who could not be left with anyone other than Mom without constant crying. I can not believe that time has passed so fast . Now Michael is preparing to go to high school next year and training as hard as he can to achieve the rank of Nidan ( second degree ShotoKan black belt ) in hopes of getting a college scholarship. Michael also devotes time and talent to the church as a member of Hospitality ( usher ), participant of religious education, and member of the Palm Sunday Passion dramatization. Michael is also someone who volunteers constantly with whatever the parish needs, from staying after church to change missiletts in the pews to carrying chairs where they are needed.
Please join me in saying, Congratulations Michael Robert, You are truly a blessing !