Robby informed me a week ago that his school was having a word parade for the end of right to read week. I was busy at the time and didn't pay much attention until he told me that he needed a word costume.That's right a word costume. I gave it a little thought but soon forgot about it as other things like Michael's Confirmation being Monday and he has no dress shoes to wear and small things like that took precedence. Anyway last night he asked what I had come up with for his word costume right after I got off the phone with the doctor who confirmed that Michael had in fact broke his hand while playing dodge ball Wednesday in school and that I should contact our Pediatric Orthopedic surgeon. I nonchalantly answered that i wasn't sure but promised to give it some thought real soon. Being the calm kid that he is ,Robby smiled and said OK. Then he asked me to make sure it was in a bag so he could take it to school today. Today??????? Uhhhhhh it is due today???? OOOPs. I desperately screamed for Cindy to give me some fast ideas and we decided to check out the box of old costumes in the basement. We looked through Sponge Bob, Spider Man, all kinds of costumes that were Proper nouns and not allowed. Finally I found a stuffed frog costume That I bought over a year ago and forgot about. Thanks be to God it fit... Yet again in the middle of chaos the Lord provided. Life is hectic but Life is Good !