Thursday, February 22, 2007

What an Ash Wednesday

What a day ! It all started when Mike called from work on Tuesday. During the course of conversation, he mentioned that he felt "odd" kind of jittery and when filling out paperwork found that his writing was sloppy, though he tried to concentrate on neatness ( For those of you who are not aware, Mike is a perfectionist when it comes to writing. He used to practice his signature for hours to make it perfect)After asking some questions to rule out serious problems this news didn't alarm me much as due to a car accident two years ago Mike has had some issues, but I suggested that he come home and we visit the local ER just to be sure. We got to the ER at 3:00 and waited till 4:30 to actually get called back to a room ( so much for that "you will be seen by a doctor in thirty minutes or less!)Anyway, tests were run and it was about 6:30 when a nurse walked in and asked if the doctor had been in. We said no and she turned to leave as she asked if Mike had taken aspirin? No, why? was our reply but she was gone without an answer. This was not good. I thought and panic mode started. Mike assured me that they were probably going to give him a prescription and didn't want a reaction to aspirin so were making sure. I didn't really buy this but we started talking about going for wings when we got done and I let it go. About 30 minutes later another nurse walked in with a post it note in his hands. " We got a room " he proudly stated. What ! I demanded what is going on? he got a funny look and asked if the doctor had been in yet. No but you better get her, Now I said as I got up and followed him into the hall. Once in the hall he stated that he probably made a mistake and would go check. In tears I waited what seemed like forever until the ER doctor came in. The blood work came back with elevated cardiac enzymes we were told. Though Mike was showing no real signs of a heart attack, they thought he should be admitted . After many questions and a call to my family doctor, we reluctantly agreed for twenty four hours in the hospital for tests but if they showed nothing were out of there in twenty four hours. Soon an ambulance came to take Mike from the satilite ER to the main hospital and I went home to get him the necessary things for an overnight stay.
Mike called me at 6:30 Wednesday morning and I got up to cook the kids a meat free breakfast and go to the hospital. ( I decided that since my kids had not had a day off since school started in September, that they could stay home as being worried about Dad would affect their concentration anyway !)By the time I got all three kids fed and called off from school and sped off to the hospital, Mike called to let me know that I missed the family doctor. I got in just in time to hear the cardiologist say that he was sure that Mike's problem was not a heart attack but that they were going to do a stress test anyway ( don't tell my insurance company ). They held Mike's breakfast tray ( this stressed him probably more than the treadmill ) and went to schedule the test. About an hour and a half later we were informed that the test would not be run until 4:00. They then brought Mike his cold breakfast tray. I couldn't believe it. There was bacon on the tray ! Now this is a Catholic hospital, it is ash Wednesday, and Bacon is standard on the trays. I understand that there are many non catholics who eat meat on Ash Wednesday but a standard???? I discussed this matter with the nurse who was sweet but had no idea what my problem was. She stated that she was Christian with little Catholic knowledge. I then asked if she could give me the number for Pastoral council to see if Mike could go to the Chapel for Ash Wednesday mass and she smiled and reminded me that it was Wednesday, not Sunday. OK I smiled. As she left she asked..... "Do Catholics really gamble?? You know like Bingo fund raisers and such? " Yes I replied we do. "How about wine? Do you get real wine? "Why yes" I replied . Wow she said as she left. Hmmmmmm I thought I think I will call someone higher. I called the cafeteria next and found out that though meatless meals were not standard on Ash Wednesday nor Friday's during Lent for the patients, they gave me the choices and I picked some meatless food like a couple tossed salads for Mike's meals. This was not a big deal though because he missed lunch and dinner because he was away for tests. Though they left both trays , the hot tea and coffee were cold and the ice cream and salads were warm when he got back. I ran down to the cafeteria while we waited for the OK to get ready to leave and luckily they has meatless there. I got us a couple fish sandwiches and took them upstairs. While eating a new nurse poked her head in. " The tests were done too late " she stated, "They can not be read until morning so you have to stay the night"" I don't think so" I blurted out ! Call my doctor ( Poor Dr. Denise, she is a wonderful doctor and must hate dealing with me !)anyway ten minutes later, the nurse told Mike to get ready and she would discharge him as soon as she finished his paperwork.
Thank you God, that Mike is home and feeling pretty good now ! All tests are back and negative now except for one and we are relatively sure that one will be OK too. I do plan on following up with a letter to the Hospital administration about their Lenten meals. I think that even though protestants may be in great number now a days, a Catholic Hospital should still follow the teachings of the Catholic Church !
Thank you to all the great nurses and aids who took care of us.Thank you Doctor Denise and Dr Sweeney, Thank you to the priest who brought me ashes when Mike was denied of going to the chapel and I didn't want to leave him. Thank you again to the same priest who came back twice only to find that Mike had been taken for yet another test.Good bless all you other patients who are not lucky enough to be home.Thank You God !

Prayers please

Please add Jared Marsh to your prayer list. Jared is nine years old. He was diagnosed December 20th, 2006 with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Jared and his family live in Michigan and are members of our Shoto Kan karate region . The region along with others from his community have joined together to help in any way possible. Please take a look at Jared Marsh +

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gotta Love those 75% off sales !

No doubt I am a born bargain shopper. I go to Big Lots, Marc's , and Deals often just to see what bargains the have gotten in . Today on the way home from Sam's Club I knew I was in trouble when Mike and I drove past Wal Greens and their sign advertised 75% off Valentines Day ! I read it out loud hoping....,but Mike was oblivious and drove home. After we unloaded the car, I could hear Wal Greens calling me. I told Mike that I thought I would go and take a look. he knew he was powerless against a sale of this magnitude and kissed me good bye. I promised not to be long and was on my way. Once inside the Valentine's Day isle I couldn't believe the great stuff on sale. I grabbed some pencils with hearts on them and pens with balloons for tops for the kids, A Valentine's Barbie for Cindy's collection, Hurried past the bags of candy that I really really don't need and found myself face to face with Valentine's plush. I grabbed a couple small stuffed bears for the dogs and there it was. A Giant Dog ! Wow ! I couldn't believe that such a find was still there ! A $30 stuffed dog for 7.50. Now this is the last thing that my family needed but.......he is $22.50 off ! From then, it was all a blur until I was strapping this over sized puppy into the car. I got home and sent the kids to carry my bargains in. The all three loved the puppy. Robby excitedly asked if it was mine or the families. I agreed that we should all take ownership and one would have thought that he just won the lottery. It got me thinking. We should all take delight in the little things! I guess happiness really is something that you have to make up your mind to feel.

I'm Now 456 months old.

The kids and me On Saturday, my 38th.Birthday
Saturday was a hectic day as Mike was supposed to take the boys to an advanced karate training in Columbus so I RSVP'd for Cindy and I to attend my cousin Marie's baby shower. Since Michael broke his hand and the doctor warned that because she left it in a splint instead of casting it he should not take any chance of hitting it as it is likely to shatter on impact. Once Mike canceled, it was too late for me to unRSVP plus Mike had agreed to do some AV work for the church, so we decided to celebrate on Sunday as planned. After the shower we attended church and came home for a later than usual dinner. After eating pork chops and pirogi, Mike and the kids presented me with roses and a peanut butter pie.
Today we went to Sam's club and got some steaks which Mike cooked on the grill in ten degree weather for us and we had a wonderfully delicious dinner. I have still not decided what I want for my Birthday Gift but luckily Mike has given me a few days extension. ( How sweet ! )
Thank You to all who wished me a Happy Birthday. It is so nice to be loved

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day ! Valentine's day in our house is a little upset today due to the 8 1/2 inches of snow that fell since yesterday. Mike has taken off work so we could go to lunch at Red Lobster like we usually do for Valentines Day, but now that the kids are home from school we have to rethink our plans. We did brave the still covered roads to get the kids doughnuts for breakfast.( A Valentine's surprise which I had been planning) Amazing that at 9:00 the doughnut shop was fully stocked as if nobody had been there. It is times like these that I am thankful that Mike talked me into buying the Aztec. I think I will now go and make the kids some Hot Chocolate, since they are shoveling the drive and are not as happy with Dad as I ,due to his declining my offer to buy him a snow blower for Christmas.
Happy Valentine's Day All !

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

One More

The family

More Confirmation pictures

Grandpa & Grandma with Michael and Cindy

Confirmation Pictures

Michael with Monsignor Siffrin
Father Shori, Michael & Cindy ( Micheal's sponsor & Loving sister)

Michael robert Ignatius

St Paul the Apostle Church was the setting on February 12, 2007 for seventy one of the parishes eighth and ninth grade members to be confirmed. Monsignor Robert Siffrin presided with the aid of Father Nicholas Shori, St Paul's pastor.
I am very proud that one of those seventy one was my second born, Michael Robert Jr. It seems like just yesterday that Michael was an infant who could not be left with anyone other than Mom without constant crying. I can not believe that time has passed so fast . Now Michael is preparing to go to high school next year and training as hard as he can to achieve the rank of Nidan ( second degree ShotoKan black belt ) in hopes of getting a college scholarship. Michael also devotes time and talent to the church as a member of Hospitality ( usher ), participant of religious education, and member of the Palm Sunday Passion dramatization. Michael is also someone who volunteers constantly with whatever the parish needs, from staying after church to change missiletts in the pews to carrying chairs where they are needed.
Please join me in saying, Congratulations Michael Robert, You are truly a blessing !

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Kim tagged me

Q. What is your occupation?
Mom and wife ( job duties include but certainly not limited to: cook, housekeeper,taxi driver,counselor, accountant,..... )

Q. What color are your socks?
Not wearing any right now. Socks are not my thing unless it is winter( thirty degrees or lower) and then I usually wear white sport socks

Q. What are you listening to right now?
The hum of my computer's fan

Q. What was the last thing that you ate?
French toast bagel with cream cheese

Q. Can you drive a stick shift?
I kind of sort of drove one maybe twenty years ago and lets just say that i caused quite a bit of damage :-)

Q. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
Purple or Fusha

Q. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
One of Cindy's many callers. I can't remember when the last time was that someone other than a telemarketer called for me :-(

Q. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
You bet... Kim is a great person

Q. How old are you today?
Still 37 for seven more days

Q. Favorite drink?
Carbonated Cherry water from Wal Mart

Q. What is your favorite sport to watch?
ShotoKan Karate especially when my sons are competing

Q. Have you ever dyed your hair?
Technically no (Linda and Carla have for me) but only my original color minus the gray

Q. Pets?
Two Cocker Spaniels Clancy and Clarissa

Q. Favorite food?
Mike's chicken Marsala,lobster tail, and Chocolate

Q. What was the last movie you watched?
It has been so long I don't remember. But I have been hooked on SCRUBS lately

Q. Favorite day of the year?
July 4th. It was the date of Mike and my first date and a day that Mike has off work so we always go somewhere or do something with the family

Q. What do you do to vent anger?
Scream then cry and sometimes throw things

Q. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Fisher Price little people

Q. What is your favorite doll?
The Gerber Baby

Q. Hugs or kisses?
Both have their places

Q. Cherries or Blueberries?
Cherries I am allergic to Blueberries

Q. Do you want your friends to do this Meme?
of course

Q. Who is most likely to respond?
Never know

Q. Who is least likely to respond?
Darleen, Her life is too full right now

Q. Living arrangements?
I live with My Hubby , three kids, and two cocker spaniels

Q. When was the last time you cried?

Q. What is on the floor of your closet?
Big dust bunnies and some gift bags full of gifts for upcoming events.

Q. Who is the friend you have had the longest ?

Q. What did you do last night?
Went to Church, then shopping with Mike for clothes for him to wear to Michael's confirmation Monday!!

Q. Favorite smells?
Home baked cookies

Q. What (who) inspires you?
Uncle Bob.

Q. Favorite dog breed?
Cocker Spaniel

Q. Number of keys on your key ring?

Q. How many years at your current job?
16 1/2

Q. How many states have you lived in?

Q. What are you afraid of?
Anything happening to Mike or my kids.

Q. Ever drove Heavy Machinery?
No but my baby brother makes a living doing it so maybe he could teach me.

Q. What is your favorite hobby?
Cooking and Baking

I tag everyone reading this

Saturday, February 10, 2007

13,872 days old.

This is a cool link. All you do is enter your Birthday and it tells you a lot of information about the year you were born. It tells you how old you are in days months , years, etc. It even gives an estimated date of conception. Have fun!
Birthday Calculator

More about Hot wheels day

Hot Wheels Day ay Big K

Today is hot wheels collector day at Big K . Mike has been a hot wheels fan since he was a little boy and still collects them. Only difference is that now he doesn't let anyone play with his cars. ( I guess he started this when his cousin used to eat the wheels off his cars)Now he just keeps them in their original packages in boxes and takes them out now and then to admire them. To Mike Hot wheel days are right up there with Thanksgiving and his birthday. They rank a little higher than Our Anniversary or Valentines Day. Unfortunately today's event fell on a day that Mike was offered overtime at work. Usually this would be a no brainer and he would decline the extra shift, however, bills are high and the account low so off to work he went. Feeling bad,I agreed to take the kids and go Hot Wheeling for him. So at 8:00 am we piled into the Aztec with lists of the " special K mart cars" and braved the five degree temps to join the other collectors.
For those of you who have never attended one of these events, let me explain the procedure. First, about 50 collectors gather in the toy department at Big K and wait. Soon an Employee comes out with a roll of tickets.Every collector , their spouse, or child gets a ticket. At 9:00 sharp the employee starts drawing as many tickets as there are boxes of cars .
( usually 18 at our store ) If your ticket is drawn, you get to open a box of cars and pick out which ones you would like to purchase. After all the boxes are opened and the " lucky winners" have gotten what they want all the rest of the cars are dumped on a table for the others to select. There are many tales of fighting, over the beloved Treasure Hunt or K mart cars, told but our local K mart has never had such a problem.
Our family was extra lucky today as four out of five of our tickets were pulled and we were able to get a couple of all of the K mart cars. Our last box even contained a Treasure Hunt ! One of the two out of eighteen boxes. I was so excited that I called Mike at work with the news. He was thrilled, but in hind sight I should have kept quiet. After all, if I do this good, I may be asked to do it again. Really, though I can't complain. Mike works hard and I am sure that there are days that he would just as soon not, but he is a good provider and excellent husband and father so I should he honored to do this for him. Sometimes it all just needs put into perspective !

Friday, February 9, 2007

Today's word parade

Robby informed me a week ago that his school was having a word parade for the end of right to read week. I was busy at the time and didn't pay much attention until he told me that he needed a word costume.That's right a word costume. I gave it a little thought but soon forgot about it as other things like Michael's Confirmation being Monday and he has no dress shoes to wear and small things like that took precedence. Anyway last night he asked what I had come up with for his word costume right after I got off the phone with the doctor who confirmed that Michael had in fact broke his hand while playing dodge ball Wednesday in school and that I should contact our Pediatric Orthopedic surgeon. I nonchalantly answered that i wasn't sure but promised to give it some thought real soon. Being the calm kid that he is ,Robby smiled and said OK. Then he asked me to make sure it was in a bag so he could take it to school today. Today??????? Uhhhhhh it is due today???? OOOPs. I desperately screamed for Cindy to give me some fast ideas and we decided to check out the box of old costumes in the basement. We looked through Sponge Bob, Spider Man, all kinds of costumes that were Proper nouns and not allowed. Finally I found a stuffed frog costume That I bought over a year ago and forgot about. Thanks be to God it fit... Yet again in the middle of chaos the Lord provided. Life is hectic but Life is Good !

Monday, February 5, 2007

Prayers please

Please pray for my cousin Suzy, her husband Tony, their children and extended family. Tony's mom went to live with Jesus Friday

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Black Belt VS Yellow

Meet the kids

Meet the loves of my life.

Cindy is my oldest . She is a typical 16 year old who attends the career center for medical occupations. She hopes to get a job as a veterinary assistant come June .

Michael, my thirteen year old, has worked hard ,since the age of five , learning ShotoKan karate. Michael recently achieved his goal of being one of the youngest in the United States to achieve the rank of Shodan or first degree black belt before his thirteenth birthday. He plans to test for the rank of Nidan, or second degree black belt this year. Michael has a goal of receiving a ShotoKan college scholarship to either Penn State or Ohio State and dreams of competing in the Olympics some day.

Robby , though ten years old,will always be my baby. He has recently started karate and is doing pretty well. He is currently an 8b or yellow belt and hopes to test for his next rank soon. Robby is the family comedian who enjoys making his teachers laugh, eating, and using his imagination.

Bath Time

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Hi Everyone

Hi all and welcome to my life ! My name is Diane, I am an almost thirty eight year old ,Catholic , Stay at home wife and Mom of three. My Oldest , Cindy is sixteen, Micheal is thirteen and Robert is ten. We are the masters ( or is that the other way around) of two beautiful Cocker Spaniels. Clancy and Clarissa. I started this blog for a couple reasons.The biggest is that family and friends have gotten upset lately because I do not " keep in touch " as much as they would like. One friend suggested that I use a blog to let them all know what is happening with the family. I hope that everyone enjoys a peak into my life.