Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trying to lose the grumpies

For the fifth morning in a row I have woken up with a sore throat and ear ache. Five days ago I thought it was just a slight irritation from my sinuses that have been agitated from all of the snow storms and cold weather that NE Ohio is so known for this time of year. Unfortunately both throat and ears seem to be getting worse despite the sinus medicine that I took.( that did nothing so I decided not to keep taking it)I also tried ibuprofen and ear drops but other than the temporary reprieve from pain they, no surprise, are offering no healing power. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for Tuesday where I am sure that the doctor will take a look as she also clears my health for my upcoming surgery but the problem is that I am finding it hard to not give into the cranky mood that seems to want to engulf me.
This is especially hard when things just don't seem to be going my way. Like last week, Mike drove our Aztek to work as the snow was pretty deep. As usual, I talked to him via cell phone on his way. During much of the conversation he seemed preoccupied finally he told me that he was hearing a clunk that needed to be checked out. This ended with him being two hours late coming home and finding out that we needed some arms and bushings replaced. The arms were replaced immediately by the shop at a hefty price while Cindy picked up Mike and brought him home to a dinner that I had been trying to keep warm. The bushings still need installed, which Mike intends to do tomorrow because today he is putting the laminate flooring down on our upstairs bathroom, which of course has had it's snags. Not to mention that at six o'clock we have to be ready and make the Valentine's reservations for a nice prime rib/ crab leg buffet sponsored by a hotel an hour from here. Thankfully, we didn't opt for the overnight stay. Mike has put a lot of effort into planning this night out and I really do want to have a good time as I love spending time with just the two of us. For years the kids were too small to leave so we rarely got these opportunities. Now I don't want to ruin them. I guess that I will say a quick prayer, pop a couple ibuprofen ,put on some nice clothes, and have a good time. Grumpiness is something that I must choose ... and as for now I am refusing to make that choice !