Monday, February 1, 2010

Bump +

Have you heard of Bump+ ? ( It a an Internet series that seems to be widely misunderstood. At first sight it appears to be a reality show where three women, each early in an unplanned pregnancy are struggling with the decision of either carrying their baby to term or having an abortion.The decision though, as I understand, would, in the end, not be the pregnant woman's but be voted on by the Internet audience. In reality, this is pretty much as I explained , except for one big thing, being that this is a mock reality show. The show is done by actresses who play the role of a woman pregnant unexpectedly and confused.( some more than others). Though this is all fake, in the end the audience will still have the opportunity to, after watching the episodes and seeing each situation, vote on whether they feel that each woman( if she were in fact in the portrayed situation)should choose life or abortion. Believe it or not, it is my understanding that this series is put out by a pro life group. This intrigued me and I watched the first two episodes ( at the above site) this morning. and wow, it is definitely food for thought.( especially when you hear the situations and then hear their answers to questions like "what kind of Mom would you be" to "when does life begin") Even for those who are either rock solid pro choice or pro life.I am not saying that this will change any minds but it just may give a look into how others feel or why people see abortion as their only option. Being a person who was a Psychology major in college, myself and totally fascinated at figuring out why people do or feel as they do, I am hooked. I will not give my opinions nor disclose which side of the pro choice/ pro life debate that I am on but I am excited to be along on the journey. (even though it is scripted) I do recommend, no matter what your opinion that, if you have the time, you take a look. Perhaps it will make those pro life people outside of an abortion clinic more compassionate to those who are confused. By the same token, perhaps it would make the pro choice, more understanding of why the pro life are so desperate to change laws. Just some food for thought and that can always , in my opinion be a good thing !