Saturday, February 27, 2010

It must be true love

Yesterday Robby's Social studies teacher had scheduled a Roman feast. Evidently not realizing that the major religion in Rome is Catholicism or knowing his Catholic history, ( which prohibits the eating of meat on Lenten Fridays)the teacher had already had everything in place and a half full sign up list before he realized ( was informed by a group of Catholic Parents) the mockery that he had created. Anyway the feast was planned and so we were faced with finding an Italian food that did not contain meat, nor had anyone signed up to bring, for him to take. In the end we decided that biscotti was the way to go. I am embarrassed to admit that I did not even bake this biscotti but visited my local Giant Eagle. Anyway....Robby's friend (who is very much of Italian descent) and her family decided that spumoni*
would be a great food to share as many had probably never heard of it let alone tasted it. Robby, I believe was among those who had never experienced spumoni as my Mother in law( who is of Italian descent) and I whole heatedly agree that though it sounds good in description, spumoni has the distinct taste of Acetone based nail polish remover . Anyway, being that his girl was scooping it out Robby received a heaping helping. As he told me the story I cringed as even a spoonful would have me gagging, let alone a heaping bowl. "Did you eat it?" I asked. he replied "yes"., "How was it?" I asked "well it was OK", he answered. "I probably would have passed but if _____________ brought it , I figured it must be good".

Hmmmmmmm now I wonder if Mike really likes my cooking or just me ?

* Spumone (from spuma or "foam"), is a molded Italian ice cream made with layers of different colors and flavors, usually containing candied fruits and nuts. Typically it is of three flavors, with a fruit/nut layer between them. The ice cream layers are often mixed with whipped cream. Chocolate and pistachio are the typical flavors of the ice cream layers, and the fruit/nut layer often contains cherry bits—causing the traditional red/pink, brown, and green color combination. It is popular in places with large Italian immigrant populations such as the United States and Argentina. August 21 is National Spumoni Day in the United States.

*** How funny that National Spumoni day is on Robby's Birthday*****

Friday, February 26, 2010

See my talented 90 Year old Grandma on YouTube !

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Free 8x10 today at Walgreen'

Today is free 8x10 day at Walgreen's. just go to and upload a non copy written photo. Then select 1 8x10 and use the coupon code freephoto. Pick the Walgreen's nearest you or pay a small shipping charge to have your photo sent to you. click complete and you can pick up your free 8x10 in an hour or so. This offer is good all day today only.

Monday, February 22, 2010

For those who may not see me for a few days

I am now ten days from my surgery date. In hopes that the ablation procedure will work and make the surgery unnecessary, I am required to take medication that has me in a perpetual PMS. Add to this that ( despite just finishing a z pack)I have fluid in both ears,which has my equilibrium all messed up and causing me to feel dizzy and fall quite a bit(like walking out of church yesterday :-(
Because of this, I have decided that I will not be seeing many friends or family until after the procedure or surgery whichever ends up being necessary . It is nothing personal just that I prefer to have friends and family that still talk to me after this ordeal.So if you feel that you are being ignored, at least you know why. Hopefully If I don't need the surgery, I will be home the evening of March 4th and feel good enough by the weekend to resume normal activities ( maybe even see the Circus that is in town.)If surgery is necessary, I will probably be getting out of the hospital Saturday and though I will have six weeks of restrictions, I should be feeling better in a week or two . So if you all could spare a prayer or two, that the procedure works and that I recover quickly,as well as maybe a prayer or ten for my family who must see me through this, I would be most appreciative !

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Off to a decent start

One of the things I decided to do this lent is to join into the forty bags in forty days movement that Faith and family is sponsoring. The idea is simple.... Get rid of forty bags of clutter during the forty days of lent. Since I have surgery coming up I have tweaked the rules a bit so instead of redding out one bag a day, I am working at simply getting rid of forty bags before Easter. Today I tackled one of the biggest clutter spots in the house and ended up clearing out eight bags. I have another full of bottles of perfume (when cleaning up after our Church's rummage sale last July, there were several bottles of Avon perfume and lotions still sealed in their boxes that were donated but didn't sell, so instead of then going to Good Will I brought them home. I intended to take them to the nursing home where Cindy works at Christmas time but I forgot about them. Today I found them so she will take them with her tonight. The activities director uses things like this as prizes for Bingo and other games so they are always glad to receive these things. As for the other eight bags, Goodwill has already accepted them. I will probably not have time to go through more clutter until the beginning of the week but for now I am feeling pretty good about my start.

Friday, February 19, 2010

It may be a mistake....

but I'll take it !

Oh shoot...... If only it could have lasted !

Now he's happy !

Despite the fact that we still have snow around, the roads were clear yesterday so Michael was able to take his driver's test as scheduled.

As soon as school let out he went to do one final practice of maneuverability at the driving school

Here he is with his official paperwork stating that he had passed

Officially a legal driver !

Congratulations !!!!!!!!!

As we walked out of the BMV I thought..... Cindy got her liscence in June 2008 and Michael got his permit the following November. It seems as though we have been teaching one or the other for quite some time. It was at this point that I thought Robby is only thirteen so we will have quite a break.... then I realized that it will only be seven hundred and thirty three days until he is eligable for a permit... Where have my babies gone ?????

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Did you get your ashes?

Since my children were small we have always let them go into school late in order to attend morning mass on Ash Wednesday. We do this for a couple reasons,one being that they have always been excited about getting to go into school late and that excitement carries over to the point that they are excited about Ash Wednesday. Most Catholics do not look forward to Lent which Ash Wednesday officially starts as it is a season on penance, and who looks forward to that ? Though we do not look forward to this season, it is necessary in that it is a perfect opportunity to examine ones self and make changes accordingly. After all, we all have room for improvement. The second reason that we allow the kids to miss an hour or so of school is that we are very proud of our Catholic faith. More and more you hear of the bad done by some of the members of the Catholic faith . Does the media give any time to the wondrous things that this Awesome faith does ? Of course not but let a few of the flock fail to be perfect and it is Catholic bashing time.Another big thing to me is that one is also constantly hearing stupid things like "Yes, I was Catholic too.... until I found the Lord" Now I will not bash your "Born again Christian" crowd as there are good and bad, like every other crowd but to put a comment like this out there is pure arrogance and stupidity. Do these people actually think that Catholic's don't know the Lord ? This could not be more untrue. I could go on and on but I think you get the point. Anyway, we are proud that we are raising our kids to love the lord,Father , son , and Holy spirit in an environment that is regulated and not just the opinion of whomever is preaching that day. Furthermore, we are very proud to be part of a community that teaches our children that just because society accepts it, doesn't make it right , and give our children a reason not to do drugs,abuse alcohol, engage in premarital activities, or other things that have become societies norm. Not that we are perfect, as we all fall short, but it is just a good place to be. By going to morning mass on Ash Wednesday, our children wear their ashes all day long and are proud to be what they are raised to be, Children of the Catholic faith.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Almost forty one but still having young kid problems

Today was my doctor's appointment. Thankfully my EKG and everything else that I needed OK ed for surgery looked fine and I have medical clearance. I also took this opportunity to have a check up since my throat has been sore and my ears aching. The doctor didn't seem to concerned with my throat which is getting somewhat better but found that I have a lot of fluid behind both ear drums. If I were a child, I would be scheduled for ear tubes but we are going to try some high end antibiotics and hope that they help. The part that the Doctor and I find funny is that tomorrow I will turn 41 ( Yep ash Wednesday is my Birthday so my cake will be postponed) now at 1 or even four this would not be uncommon but at 41, it is a tad odd. Why is it that I can't hold on to youth with dark hair, or flawless skin.... but nooooooo I get to keep the ear infections !!!!!!! I should have never thrown that penny into that stupid fountain of youth !

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy St. Valentine's Day !

Mike and I went out to our dinner as planned and had a wonderful time. Thankfully the ibuprofen that I took before we left took the pain out of my throat and ears through the entire meal. Everything on the the buffet was wonderful though I must admit that I ate very little of anything but the crab legs and a couple slices of prime rib. I probably would have went for more prime rib but by the time I had eaten a couple slices the rest was a tad too well done for me but that is OK because the crab legs were big fresh and wonderful add a little melted butter and they were perfect !After a wonderful dinner we stopped at Wal Mart to replace a hand held shower head that had gotten broken earlier. We also bought a couple bags of mini candy bars for the kids. I used to buy them each a small hart shaped box of chocolates but as they get older they get pickier and much prefer Hershey products. Since Mike did not get the upstairs bathroom floor finished today, the car repair has been put back until next weekend so he can finish today. While he does this, I will make sure that we have a nice dinner as a family as well as catch up on some other things I need to get done. I hope you all have a great Valentine's day !

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Trying to lose the grumpies

For the fifth morning in a row I have woken up with a sore throat and ear ache. Five days ago I thought it was just a slight irritation from my sinuses that have been agitated from all of the snow storms and cold weather that NE Ohio is so known for this time of year. Unfortunately both throat and ears seem to be getting worse despite the sinus medicine that I took.( that did nothing so I decided not to keep taking it)I also tried ibuprofen and ear drops but other than the temporary reprieve from pain they, no surprise, are offering no healing power. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for Tuesday where I am sure that the doctor will take a look as she also clears my health for my upcoming surgery but the problem is that I am finding it hard to not give into the cranky mood that seems to want to engulf me.
This is especially hard when things just don't seem to be going my way. Like last week, Mike drove our Aztek to work as the snow was pretty deep. As usual, I talked to him via cell phone on his way. During much of the conversation he seemed preoccupied finally he told me that he was hearing a clunk that needed to be checked out. This ended with him being two hours late coming home and finding out that we needed some arms and bushings replaced. The arms were replaced immediately by the shop at a hefty price while Cindy picked up Mike and brought him home to a dinner that I had been trying to keep warm. The bushings still need installed, which Mike intends to do tomorrow because today he is putting the laminate flooring down on our upstairs bathroom, which of course has had it's snags. Not to mention that at six o'clock we have to be ready and make the Valentine's reservations for a nice prime rib/ crab leg buffet sponsored by a hotel an hour from here. Thankfully, we didn't opt for the overnight stay. Mike has put a lot of effort into planning this night out and I really do want to have a good time as I love spending time with just the two of us. For years the kids were too small to leave so we rarely got these opportunities. Now I don't want to ruin them. I guess that I will say a quick prayer, pop a couple ibuprofen ,put on some nice clothes, and have a good time. Grumpiness is something that I must choose ... and as for now I am refusing to make that choice !

Friday, February 12, 2010

Loving those half off deals

Mike and I are , one could say, picky eaters.In reality not so much picky eaters as much as picky eaters out. Though Mike was raised primarily on Italian foods he married someone (me:-) who is allergic to the essential oils in peppers ( green bell to the hottest habinero) one bite can cause my throat to go into full lock down almost instantly so anything like this is obviously out. In addition I detest the taste as well as the texture of onions and as for garlic..... let me just say, if I smell as bad as everyone else after eating it, I will do the world a favor and pass. My theory is that if ultra scope can't fight it ( sorry but it just makes for minty stink) it shouldn't be eaten. Anyway, I prefer to cook with natural flavoring. I buy mostly freshly butchered meat and grill it pairing it with side dishes that are as fresh or unprocessed as possible. Yes I do use miniute rice from time to time and here in Ohio fresh summer corn gives way to the flash frozen variety in the winter. I am not a big fan of sauces and gravy especially on my meats as this retracts from the natural flavors that I love as well as adds tons of fat and carbohydrates to the mix. I do add a touch of natural sea salt to a few of my foods and Mike is a fresh ground four mix pepper corn addict.
Throw in the fact that we are both overweight and Mike suffers from some hereditary conditions such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure, salt based spices ( most spices are) are just not good for him at all so why use them?
Because we are accustomed to eating fresh natural flavored (not spiced ) foods it can be rough to find food out that we enjoy. For this reason we have very few restaurants that we dine at on a regular basis. Though Boston Lobster Feast in Florida has got to be our favorite ( fresh steamed lobster and hot melted butter... no salt just plain mouth watering wonderfulness) but Florida is twenty hours away so that is not feasible on a regular basis.We have found a Mexican place locally that spices more with fresh peppers than salty spices for Mike and makes their foods fresh so I can get an awesome nacho dish with grilled chicken, beef , and shrimp all three mixed in. We also frequent Quaker steak and Lube for all you can eat wing night where I can get a Philly steak sandwich with only fresh grilled mushrooms and cheese and even sometimes eat a wing or two flavored with only black peppercorn ( dried doesn't bother me) and fresh grated Parmesan cheese or a wonderful honey mustard, while Mike enjoys huge amounts of there famous triple atomic wings. Recently we have also found another wonderful upscale but still casual enough to let us in restaurant called Rusty's.Rusty's makes an awesome calamari appetizer and honest to goodness fabulous steak sandwich served on pizza dough baked in a wood fire oven. Though Mike has ventured past these things and always been happy I stick with what I know I like. Anyway today was the day that a local TV station was selling $50 gift certificates to this very restaurant for $25 on their web site. The only problem is that quantities were limited and one had to be online immediately at 7:00 am or not even have a chance. Even though Mike went to work at 1:30 am and the kids were off school, I still set my alarm and guess what ??????? I got one. I do have to wait for it to come in the mail but I have it coming. I just love how we can go out and have an awsome meal , maybe even a drink , desert, and usually still bring food home for $25. especially a place that I know we will be happy with. Yes I just love those 1/2 price deals !!!!!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Baby's first real Valentine ( pardon me while I cry)

and not just from one girl........

But the whole 7th grade cheer leading squad !!!!!!!

BTW..... Gabby is Robby's girlfriend( or whatever 7th graders call their main friend of the opposite sex) but he is a good friend of most of the cheerleaders as he loves to dance and practices with them. They have nicknamed him Turbo

Still not happy !

Michael and Robby both had a snow day Wednesday and Michael ( at the career & tech school)had another today then they are on a four day weekend. Even with a six day weekend Michael is not happy. No he isn't ungrateful for the days off but his drivers licence exam was supposed to be tomorrow and was canceled due to snow. Hopefully the weather will clear up enough for him to test within the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Will you watch the Super Bowl ?

I am not a big sports fan unless you count ShotoKan Karate tournaments. The only exception is when the Steelers play the Browns.( I do always cheer for the Steelers but I don't necessarily watch every game) This for years has stirred up a ton of fun between our family's Steeler fans(My brother's and I were raised less than an hour from Pittsburgh)and My Mom and Dad who, for a few years lived in Cleveland. Oh did mention that since my older brother and I were born in Cleveland(they moved when I was only weeks old) my parents are disgusted that Jim and I could turn our backs on their Browns. The highlight of these bi annual games is that the fans of Cleveland ( Ummmm I mean the losing team) must dress up in the Steeler ( ummmm the winning team's) jersey, hat and other accessory and pose for a picture. Anyway.... Since Pittsburgh is not in this year's Super Bowl and the world has not yet ended ( ummm I mean, neither are the Browns) my interest is just not there. I will probably turn the game on and catch some of the commercials but that will be it. What about you ? Are you cheering for the Colts or Saints ? Will you even bother watching ?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow snow snow

Isabella pops out of the deep snow

Clancy seeks shelter under the trampoline

Isabella tries to get a piggy back ride through the snow

Isabella helps Cindy shovel an area for her and Clancy

Michael uses the snow blower to clear two elderly neighbor's drives and ours

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Birthday E mails

Because I am getting seriously close to my birthday,I have been receiving many e-mail birthday offers. They started with clothing stores like Fashion Bug and
Woman within, Stores that I buy bath and body products from, and even a coupon from Ambiance. None of these surprised me however, I just opened one that made my jaw drop. It was birthday wishes from Proctor & Gamble. Now it could have enclosed a coupon for a room freshener or a cleaning product that would make my life easier and I would have said OK but honestly coupons for OTC arthritis medication is not appreciated. Yes I will be 41 but gee...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A daybook

Outside my window … there is a only a dusting of snow left and the temps are now above twenty five degrees, which means I can leave my winter coat in the car and get by with a hoodie.

I am thinking … and praying for Cindy's Godmother who is in the hospital with a ruptured appendix and an abscessed gal bladder which is ready to rupture. She is stable but will be sedated for the next forty eight hours while the IV antibiotics work to enable surgery to remove the gal bladder

On my mind … and also in my prayers is Mike who worked eighteen hours yesterday only to come home get two hours sleep and go back to work four hours early this morning.He just called to say that he will be home at his regular time but will go to bed after dinner ( for four hours) so that he can go back for a double shift tonight

I am thankful for … Delphi offering and Mike being able and willing to work the overtime so that we can live a little more comfortable as well as afford to do some repairs that need done to the house

I am hoping … and praying that the procedure that has once failed, will work on my upcoming surgical date( march 4th) so that I will not have to have the major surgery that will be done immediately if the procedure fails again

Noticing that … Clancy and Isabella (are starting to get along pretty well and even playing lately

From the kitchen … I baked one batch of friendship bread(coffee cake) today which consisted of two loaves of cinnamon strudel ,one loaf of banana nut with chocolate chip , seven mini loaves of the same, and two loaves of cherry cheesecake. I am also in the process of making beef stroganoff and homemade bread for dinner

A few plans for the week … I have three more batches of friendship bread to mix up and bake as soon as I can fit them in with my full schedule this week

Around the house … Mike and I are planning to do some floor covering work in four rooms, stain my secretary desk, replace an old garage door, and a host of other improvements.Mike did use this weekend off to replace Robby's ceiling fan( the globe fell and broke and since 13 is really too old for a crayola ceiling fan anyway, we decided to replace the fan)and also replace our outside light that got cracked., filled up with rain,snow and sleet, froze and shorted out during our December series of snow storms

One of my favorite things … Is seeing one ( or all) of my children so happy that they are bubbling over. Unfortunately two, well actually all three at one point or another have had some disappointments within the last year and are now working to get where they had hoped to already be. I can't wait to see their happiness when this long awaited and worked for events arrive.

A picture I am sharing …
A shot of a worn out Robby after competing at the ISKF National tournament last November

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bump +

Have you heard of Bump+ ? ( It a an Internet series that seems to be widely misunderstood. At first sight it appears to be a reality show where three women, each early in an unplanned pregnancy are struggling with the decision of either carrying their baby to term or having an abortion.The decision though, as I understand, would, in the end, not be the pregnant woman's but be voted on by the Internet audience. In reality, this is pretty much as I explained , except for one big thing, being that this is a mock reality show. The show is done by actresses who play the role of a woman pregnant unexpectedly and confused.( some more than others). Though this is all fake, in the end the audience will still have the opportunity to, after watching the episodes and seeing each situation, vote on whether they feel that each woman( if she were in fact in the portrayed situation)should choose life or abortion. Believe it or not, it is my understanding that this series is put out by a pro life group. This intrigued me and I watched the first two episodes ( at the above site) this morning. and wow, it is definitely food for thought.( especially when you hear the situations and then hear their answers to questions like "what kind of Mom would you be" to "when does life begin") Even for those who are either rock solid pro choice or pro life.I am not saying that this will change any minds but it just may give a look into how others feel or why people see abortion as their only option. Being a person who was a Psychology major in college, myself and totally fascinated at figuring out why people do or feel as they do, I am hooked. I will not give my opinions nor disclose which side of the pro choice/ pro life debate that I am on but I am excited to be along on the journey. (even though it is scripted) I do recommend, no matter what your opinion that, if you have the time, you take a look. Perhaps it will make those pro life people outside of an abortion clinic more compassionate to those who are confused. By the same token, perhaps it would make the pro choice, more understanding of why the pro life are so desperate to change laws. Just some food for thought and that can always , in my opinion be a good thing !