Sunday, August 30, 2009

Were Back !

A week and a day after we left with freshly packed suitcases that actually fit in the Aztek, we have returned with things stuffed everywhere just to get it home. Though there were some stressful moments , in the end it all turned out wonderfully well. Though I was ready to come back home and actually sleep in a bed that allowed me more than an hour sleep without waking up to discomfort, I was sad to leave it all behind. I have been asked by a few to review the places that we stayed , especially the cruise , and share some of the must do's as well as the don't bother's As promised I will, but for now, I have 10 bags that were checked on the plane,plus a couple Carry ons to unpack and organize as well as a homesick pup to pick up from the doggy resort. I also must work on getting our families eating habits off of cruise mode. Thanks for your patence