I have quite a little history when it came to blue tooth units. My first one was part of a package deal over two years ago when I upgraded to a blue tooth capable phone. From day one I disliked this one. First it (was supposed to) fit into my ear and it never really fit properly. Then there was the matter that one button controlled everything from on /off, to volume control, and even call/ end call. Because this unit was not cheap, I suffered through using it. Well until one day when enough was enough. After having it fall from my ear several times during the day I took it out , turned it off , and put it in my pocket. This would have been OK except that it didn't turn off but called a random( I think) number from my phone book. This number could have been any number like Mike's phone, one of the kids phones,the home phone, any but it wasn't.... It was Mike's work number which rang at the foreman's desk. This also happened to be the number that the foreman had hooked to his answering machine. So here I am calling the foreman's answering machine. Since I didn't know this was happening, this answering machine taped everything that I said for the next forty five minutes or so. Now it could have been worse but my call to Michael's school in which I demanded a meeting with his teachers and principal were among the recordings. To add insult to injury, my number and Mike's name showed on caller ID so there was no doubt as to who I was. Mike took being called over to listen to my message relatively well but called to tell me to be careful. It was at this point that I gave this blue tooth to Cindy.
Next I bought a blue tooth that didn't enter my ear.It was comfortable and I liked it,however one day it went dead so I took it out of my ear and left it in my car.It has not been seen since.Finally I bought the Cadillac of all blue tooth units at our local Wal Mart. This one had a slide on and off switch and was as comfortable as my skin.I loved this unit and would not have traded it for the world but a couple weeks ago I went to the doctors and took it out of my ear and laid it on a chair with my purse. Well I walked out of the room without it and when I came back,it was gone. I asked the med assistant if she seen it but she hadn't. I left my number for them to call me when it showed up but it never did. I was heart broken. After a couple days I decided that I had to get a new blue tooth and went to Wal Mart, but they were out. I went to three other wal marts but no luck. Here my precious model 550 was discontinued. I tried another model but the ear piece was too thin and uncomfortable.Finally I scoured the Internet for a 550 and Best buy .com had it on clearance.I ordered two. The unit was supposed to be sent out to arrive Friday but guess what ? It came today !!!!!!!!! I am so excited ! It is now on the charger and tomorrow I can use it ! Thank you Best Buy.com. and welcome to my new 550, I love you !