I just got admonished via E mail for placing a "ridiculously low"($35 per day) bid for the rental of a Mustang convertible(or comparable) for Mike and My anniversary trip to Florida. It went on and on about how Priceline is not a game and how my posting of ridiculous bids hinder the process for those who take the site seriously. This hate mail further explains that my punishment will be not being allowed to put in another bid for said convertible rental for twenty four hours ( so I will have time to research the going prices and come up with a serious offer)
So as I hung my head in shame, I started researching other sites pricing....... And guess what ??????? I booked the same Ford Mustang convertible( or comparable) for the same two days ,for pick up at the same airport, for ....... Drum roll please...........$35 per day on www.Cheaptickets.com !
So to Priceline...... So sorry to waste your time with my ridiculousness. In the future I will research and check Cheap tickets before I make a bid. That way when you turn me down, I will know where go.
The renter of a Ford Mustang convertible( or comparable) for $35 a day